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Description: Wingset Readme

I have added the ability to save the EasyPose parameters to the pose library. The trick is relatively simple. All of the parmNode dials were changed to targetGeom dials. This fools Poser into thinking that it is saving morphs in your pose, so it writes the ERC dial values. There are a couple of complications, if you should think of converting a character this way. First, Poser will, thinking these are now morph dials, save all the fake targetGeoms with blank index and delta listings addended. Not a problem, although it adds some extra junk to your cr2. Second, Poser forces morph dials to maintain a sesitivity value of .02. This seems to be something it imposes when a figure is opened, and I could not find a way around it. Unless your original parmNode dials had a .02 sensitivity setting, then, you will want to make more changes to retain the original level of ERC responsiveness. To do this, you need to multiply all of the deltaAddDelta values for the parameters which point to the former parmNodes. If your original parmNode value was 1, you need to multiply the AddDeltas by 50, as 1/50 = .02. Do not multiply AddDeltas for any morphs which were slaved to the former parmNodes. In the end, you get a figure which will save pose to the library and has the same basic functionality as the original. The difference will be that your ERC dial settings will be consistently lower as you use the figure. Given that poses could not be formerly saved, I haven't found this to be a problem. Note: Anton Kisiel(spelling?) has apparently found a way to save ERC as library poses, which he uses with Apollo Maximus. A recent Renderosity thread revealed that this was possible, but did not explain how. The method I have applied here may or may not be that which Anton is using. 9/22/05

This figure uses a combination of "body handle" proxy parts and ERC to create a set of poseable wings for your Poser figure. The named posing dials listed for the right and left wings are ERC-linked to seven proxy parts which intersect the wing parts at various points. Moving these extra parts causes a re-shaping of the wings themselves. In addition to posing these body handles using the ERC dials, you can make the body handle body parts visible and pose them manually.

The geometry of the wings themselves has not been cut into body parts. Wings usually seem to be cut into three parts, roughly corresponding to the bone structure of a real wing. I have never been satisfied with the quality of the bending and posing created with this common setup. The wings seem too inflexible, and there can be some ugliness where the body parts join at a seam. This figure is an attempt to find an alternate approach to parts such as wings. I am not sure how useful the ideas used here may be in other contexts, however, and I am sure that I have not developed this current application of these ideas as fully as I might. The arrangement of the body handles that I have used is arbitrary, and my limitations in working with the joint parameter settings becomes obvious when certain dial combinations are applied. I hope, however, that this figure may be useful to someone and, perhaps, that the figure build concept here may provide a useful technique for others.

The ideas I have used here are not new. The use of proxy parts is apparently quite common in 3D, or so I am told. ERC is certainly not my creation, but that of Nerd and RBTwiz, both of whom are far more intelligent than I.... Body handles were developed by Anton Kiesel, and are well documented at DAZ and elsewhere. Non-standard figure rigs that do not necessarily resemble the geometry they affect also seem to be fairly common in 3D. So I don't think I should claim originality, although my figure has been "built sideways". :) I believe it may be unique in the Poser universe, but I also have to confess to a monumental ignorance of most of the new products out there.

Although this setup creates more flexibility and fluidity, at least in my testing, it can also present some figure distortion. Many of the dials are used best with moderate settings, and some do not get along well with one another. As stated, this setup is experimental and, perhaps, inadequately tested, not to say half-baked.... :)

Enough blather, then. Here is the useful bit:

-Place the .cr2 file and the .png in libraries\character\ERCJPwingset. The final folder can be anything in "character", actually; there is no special file-pointing that requires a specific folder name.

-OBJ placement: Runtime\Geometries\Cagedrei\Wings\ERCJPwingset.obj.

-Texture files. Place textures in Runtime\Textures\Cagedrei\Wings.

-.pz2 file: place anywhere in libraries\Pose

The included pose file, foldpose.pz2, sets the wings in a nicely folded position for a standing figure. The other .pz2 file restores all ERC dials and bodypart scaling to default. The foldpose.pz2 file will rescale the rotate2 body handle for each wing, as well as rescaling the "node" part.

I followed the directions offered by Anton Kiesel in his "A diagram/brief explanation of making bird wings in Poser by PheonixRising on 2/8/02 02:11" post at Renderosity, at least during the early modeling. You can see echoes of his suggested structure if you look under all the morphing and reshaping. It was very helpful.

Modeling was done using Wings3D, a freeware modeler based on the defunct Nendo. I had Nendo for two years, and couldn't do a thing with it. Wings, however, has been the most useful freeware I have ever used. Wonderful, wonderful. Try it. Yes.

I also made use of S.T.O.M.P., by Keith Young. A wonderful, useful program that has allowed me to finally delete Ray Dream Studio from my computer before I can destroy another mesh with it. Ahem.

I think that's it. If you can find the useful information amongst my babble, you're probably a better reader than I am a writer. My apologies for being less than clear and concise. Questions can be answered by me at, provided you use an e-mail header line that distinguishes your mail from the spam that is burying me alive.... :)

Note: This figure was built and tested in Poser 5. It should work in Poser 4, but there may be differences in functionality that I am unaware of....


The use of ERC in these figures may cause cross-talk in Poser 4 if more than one instance is used. This can be remedied by doing a quick search and replace function with the wings cr2, then saving this to a new name. Search for "QT1" and replace it with "QT2", "QT5", "QT72", anything really.... This technique is lifted wholesale from its use in the EZPoseTube, by Ajax.... You may also be able to use a "null" figure to prevent cross-talk.

Almost forgot the liscensing-type blather. These are free. You can do whatever you want with them, short of taking them and selling them to someone else. Use them in your images, take them apart, change them, use pieces in your own work, include them with your free figures, distribute them on your site, send them to your friends, whatever. Just keep 'em free.

Thanks. :)
Submitted by: A_C_C
Author: Cagedrei
Date: 29 Aug 2011 14:56
Last Updated: None
Last Download: 30 Jan 2024 06:46
File Size: 762.03 KB
Downloaded: 40

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