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3D Nightmares... Or... The little sculptor - Addeing memory in Poser 5

tda42 [ Saturday, 10 November 2007, 08:46 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
This is my rig. So if anyone wonders what I have when I talk with you friends out here, this is it. <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Saturday, 10 November 2007, 08:52 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
And this is my music room where I write and play songs as well as practice. The room I couldn't get all of it but I think you get the idea. Just thought I would share a bit of my stuff. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Saturday, 10 November 2007, 08:58 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
WOW ! I Love that monitor ! Do You have two identical PCs Kenny ? Sure the Vaios are good looking <img src="" alt="" /> ! But you need a black keyboard... <br /> <br /> Here are the details of my DynoPC...
tda42 [ Saturday, 10 November 2007, 09:19 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
I have a black keyboard and mouse but they are wireless. I never could get over that when you can't walk to the other side of the room with a mouse and keyboards. The keyboard is from another PC. A Sony Vaio RZ 16. Yes I am guilty. I have four PCs in the house. <img src="" alt="" />
GrouchoCaesar [ Saturday, 10 November 2007, 09:44 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing Memory In Poser 5
Nice toys...! <br /> <br /> However, sorry to bring this thread back on track(!), but I have bad news if you want to use more than 2 Gb of RAM. Any Windows OS before Vista can't handle more than two Gb of RAM unless tweaked, and only if the software you want to use is also capable of seeing it - which I'm pretty sure Poser can't do. <br /> <br /> (Could be worse... if you are using Win95/98, the effective RAM limit without tweaking the system is 380Mb or so... even if you have 2 Gb or more RAM installed!) <br /> <br /> As for external RAM additions like Kenny was thinking of, I've never heard of that idea, and I'd assume that the performance penalties involved would be why they would be rare. <br /> <br /> Having rained on this parade, I think I'll go find a kid to pinch candy from just to round things off! <br /> <br /> GrouchoC.
tda42 [ Sunday, 11 November 2007, 04:03 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Yes there are two of Sony Vaios. They are running together as one. I had said something about that here at one time or another on the site. I use a split partition in both of the PCs drives to run Windows Home XP and Windows 2003 server to couple both together to make one. So in some way if Vista was used I maybe able to use 4x4gigs of ram in both. But it is just in theory. <img src="" alt="" />
Turtool [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 01:36 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing Memory In Poser 5
Hi all, I used to get the same error with Poser4, until the memory fix patch was made. I think the problem lies within Poser5 & not so much with your computer/s tda42. There are various thoughts & opinions on what is a good layout for Virtual memory is. I myself simply let the OS (Operating System) look after my Vmem (Win XP Pro). If you wish to go with a manual setup, a good rule of thumb is 2 to 2 & a half times physical RAM for an upper measurement of Virtual memory ie: 2Gb RAM x2 = 4096Mb Virtual memory Max. For a Minimum something around 10Mb would be good. <br /> <br /> Your BIOS maybe the reason for the limit on RAM ie: 4x1Gb. You may need to update the mainboard BIOS or maybe look at buying a new mainboard that supports more RAM. <br /> <br /> There are PCI cards that one can buy to add more RAM to a system that has run out of RAM slots, though I would be more inclined to buy a new mainboard & place 4x1Gb or 4x2Gb RAM sticks in it. <br /> <br /> GrouchoCaesar, I feel someone may have misinformed you about RAM limits within OS'es. Windows 2000 was the first OS to break the 2Gb limit & just like Windows XP it knows how to use up to 4Gb of RAM with no tweaking involved. Thanks for the rain though <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Hope this help you out tda42
Posy [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 01:36 AM ]
Post subject: 
Since when? I assume you mean our current problem. Windows ist Muell. Linux ist die Macht!
ahjah [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 02:42 AM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote" cite="viewtopic.php?p=37525#p37525"><div class="quote-user">Posy wrote: [<a href="#_somewhat" onclick="javascript:open_postreview('show_post.php?p=37525');" class="genmed">View Post</a>]</div><div class="post-text">Since when? I assume you mean our current problem. Windows ist Muell. Linux ist die Macht!</div></blockquote> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 09:42 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Hi Turtool, I think that the Sony Vaios have proprietary mainboards, not easy to update with a standard AT or ATX , However for the use of today programs 2 Gigs should be enough . <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> Mmm... Posy said something funny in German that I don't understand <img src="" alt="" /> ...
Posy [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 09:42 AM ]
Post subject: 
Does it please you to believe I said that?
Tormie [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 09:42 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ... <img src="" alt="" />
GrouchoCaesar [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 10:20 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing Memory In Poser 5
Okay... for anyone who thinks you can happily tool away in XP with 4Gb or more of RAM, I suggest you check out the following website: <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank">Roll On Linux!</a> <br /> <br /> This quote in particular is not kidding: <br /> <br /> <i>Although the performance benefits of 64-bit are somewhat dubious on the desktop, a 64-bit OS absolutely essential if you run applications that need to use more than 2 GB of memory.</i> <br /> <br /> (Ungrammatical, but informative. Also note that this problem is still apparent even in 32-bit Vista. Yikes!) <br /> <br /> I've been there, I've had to troubleshoot RAM problems using 4Gb of RAM in XP Pro for a friend, and although I conceed that the PC in question was a little extreme (A greedy SLI setup with twin 512Mb video cards didn't help any...) the damn beast only showed 2.5 Gb of RAM in XP when there was 4Gb installed and recognised by the BIOS. <br /> <br /> It all boils down to the more hardware in your system, the less RAM you have to play with. Especially if you have PCI-Express hardware. <br /> <br /> 4Gb is great for Linux(64-bit compiled, of course) and 64-bit XP or Vista... but realistically overkill for anything else. <br /> <br /> This is my last comment on the subject in any case. But for further research, might I suggest you type "windows xp memory limit" into Google... <br /> <br /> GrouchoC.
ahjah [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 12:44 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-nouser">Quote:</div><div class="post-text"><img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> Mmm... Posy said something funny in German that I don't understand <img src="" alt="" /> ...</div></blockquote> <br /> Posy says: Windows is trash, Linux is the power! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 12:44 PM ]
Post subject: 
Did I really say that?
Tormie [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 08:24 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 11:33 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Thanks Terry and all the helped with this. <img src="" alt="" /> I am beginning to think it is more Poser 5 than any thing else. 4 slots though just don't make sense to have 4x515s in it and not 4x1gigs. But hey its no big deal just a learning curve. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Monday, 19 November 2007, 11:58 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
@ Groucho <br /> <br /> Linux is very good, I installed different versions ( I prefer the Slackware ), played a lot, recomplied the kernel for my needs and all. Problem is the lack of applications for it, sooner or later, if you're a final user, you go back because of this. For the rest, for professional applications, Linux is a far more efficient OS, and it would be the same if more programs would be available for it <img src="" alt="" /> ...
GrouchoCaesar [ Tuesday, 20 November 2007, 08:40 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing Memory In Poser 5
Yeah, I started playing with Slackware Linux well over a decade ago, back in the old, nasty text console only days(!) <br /> <br /> I've currently got Ubuntu dual-booted on my system and it is remarkable how powerful and easy to use Linux has become in the last couple of years, let alone ten. <br /> <br /> Experiments with using Poser 4 Pro and Poser 5 under WINE are ongoing. If I can reliably use WINE to run them, then I'm happy to convert from 3D Studio MAX to Blender and kick XP back to it's only useful role these days... running games. <br /> <br /> Then again, if anyone ever invents a Poser scene importing plug-in for Blender, or if DAZ Studio was ported to Linux, we'd all be home and free. <br /> <br /> GrouchoC.
tda42 [ Saturday, 24 November 2007, 08:40 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
The problem with that is I don't think I have driver support with Linux. If it is an OS that supports some of the Windows software then I think it would be a good deal to install but on the Sony site it doesn't support it. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Saturday, 24 November 2007, 11:18 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
<img src="" alt="" /> Kenny, why don't give it a little try ? try Knoppix <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank"></a> <br /> <br /> it doesn't need to be installed on a HD, you download the CD image, burn it and make the PC start with the DVD (option in the bios) so you can have a safe look at Linux, there is no problem of compatibility with your Vaios. However Linux is not a "simple" operating system, it works differently from Window$, you may found it a little "alien" <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Sunday, 25 November 2007, 05:06 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Oh great another learning curve! <img src="" alt="" /> I had tried a Linux like that before and because of the OS on the DVD it makes it run real slow. I went to the site and there was alot of files. Are they to be downloaded to my drive. It would seem I would be up all night downloading the stuff. <img src="" alt="" /> I would like a OS of Linux but I have already alot of stuff on the drives and would be a big task to do. Thank anyway Davide. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Sunday, 25 November 2007, 10:31 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> No kenny, you need only one file that is <br /> <br /> KNOPPIX_V5.1.1CD-2007-01-04-EN.iso <br /> <br /> it's an iso image, you've to download it and burn in a CD, then you can delete the file. You put the CD into your drive and make the PC boot on Cd (if it doesn't do it yet you can change the option in the PC's bios). This version of Linux doesn't require anything installed on the HD, it doesn't require an HD... <br /> <br /> I'm downloading one for a try <img src="" alt="" /> it downloads pretty fast <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Sunday, 25 November 2007, 01:35 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Ever had Ubuntu on your drive Davide. I downloaded a ISO of it and am burning the image on the CD. I will download the KNOPPIX as well. I didn't understand where it was to download it. <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Sunday, 25 November 2007, 03:44 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Update: I got the Ubuntu but when I boot on start up it doesn't load. Also the other OS that Davide has mentioned I have found but it only let me have 10 percent of the file before disconnecting. <img src="" alt="" /> I don't want to use the IE for download with GetRight because I trust the FireFox browser better and GetRight Doesn't support FireFox. <img src="" alt="" /> Plus I am not running a virus protection as well. <img src="" alt="" /> Another day has started. <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Sunday, 25 November 2007, 08:04 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Davide, they have another Knoppix that is 4Gigs to download. What is that one all about? <img src="" alt="" /> I am downloading Knoppix now. It will take 5 hours and the 4 gig one will take 24 hours. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Sunday, 25 November 2007, 09:06 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Addeing memory in Poser 5
Kenny, getright is a standalone application, a download manager, I use it with Firefox, I simply drag the link into the getright window ant that's all, if you right click on the file you can split the download in 4 parts (free version) or five if you can find mirrors, so you can use till 5 mirrors. For knoppix there are 3 sites in the states so you can even use three mirrors in getright , simply drag in the windows the same file from each one of the mirrors and choose them when you split the download in 5 parts. Yes it's a bit complicated but it's my bread, lol <img src="" alt="" /> . For Ubuntu, I'm sorry but I never tried it, I would need a spare HD and at the moment I haven't any but the usual chewing-gum wrapper in the pocket <img src="" alt="" /> ...

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