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Whip The Admins... - Problems With The Site?

A_C_C [ Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 05:40 PM ]
Post subject: Problems With The Site?
I haven't been able to access to the site in the last days. Has somebody happened?
A_C_C [ Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 05:42 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Problems With The Site?
Sorrry, what I wanted to say is that if something had happened to the site. A friend checked also from his computer and gave him a "server not found" error.
Tormie [ Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 11:14 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Problems With The Site?
I A_C_C As far as I konw nothing happened, from Italy it was reachable, but now that you write it I had big DNS problems with my ISP last week and it was for all Italy. The curious thing is that I could reach Posetteforever but not other sites like google for example, the "server not found error" is a net error, somewhere there is a "point" where the link between you and the site (which is located in the States at Godaddy) can't pass. Most of the times it's a temporary problem. I watched your thread at rosity and the problems you had with firefox is a different thing. Tell me if now you're still having problems.

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