A Surfeit Of Vertices... »  Show posts from    to     

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Interesting links - A Surfeit Of Vertices...

Nik [ Saturday, 07 June 2008, 03:31 PM ]
Post subject: A Surfeit Of Vertices...
So my Renderosity search found a classic 'pointy' thing, free and ready to unzip into Poser props... <br /> <br /> First surprise was how lonnnnn-n-n-n-nn-nnn-nnnng it took to load into scene. Granted this Browser_PC is no speed-demon, with only 768 Mb of slow RAM and a near-geriatric processor, but you've seen the sets I've made... <br /> <br /> Then it popped up asking me to locate a missing texture... <br /> <br /> Well, other than that, it looked okay. I thought a couple of bent whatsits would look good hanging skew from target. Easy-peasy, I thought, convert the OBJ to 3DS, load into Draw3D, put a bend in it, take it back... <br /> <br /> Okay, but the mesh info was inside the PP2, and there was a *lot* of it. Too much to copy/paste, I decided. So I ran 'GeomStripper' to get a stand-alone OBJ, then CR2Edit (1.51) to find that in Geometries. Two benefits: I offloaded the scene for multiple objects, and I could get at the mesh. Now I could use 3D Object Convertor. Mesh took a lonnnng time to load, even longer to save as 3DS... <br /> <br /> Draw3D took a lonnnng time to load the object, showed a mass of vertices. Zooming showed more, more and yet more vertices. I ran the 'remove duplicate vertices', removed 500, or 5%. Hey, this for two slim cylinders and two cones ?? Got worse: When I tried to manipulate the mesh, the vertices were so close-packed, I could not see what I was doing... <br /> <br /> Yes, I made a bent version, but that surfeit of vertices made it impracticable to re-texture in Draw3D or Poser... <br /> <br /> In the end, I deleted original and variants from Poser, found a lower-poly spear for the Big Bad Bugs scenes... <br /> D'uh...
Posy [ Saturday, 07 June 2008, 03:32 PM ]
Post subject: 
As Bertrand Russel said, it must have taken ages for people to realize that a brace of pheasants and a couple of days are both instances of the number "two. "Why now? I am sure you could.

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