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The Posetteforever diary - Does anybody here speak french?

Anonymous [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 04:44 AM ]
Post subject: Does anybody here speak french?
Does anybody here speak french? I'm just curious. I speak french better than english. There are many french poser sites on the web but they have only online stores and galleries full of DAZ's creations. <br /> There was an opinion (in some new french 3d forum) that DAZ must buy Curious Lab's Poser because Poser 5 was very disappointing. Well DAZ Studio is more disappointing! : <img src="" alt="" /> It works only with DAZ models. When I import Posette or P5 female into DAZ Studio their heads or hands disappear immediately. <img src="" alt="" />
Deviant_Viking [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 08:58 AM ]
Post subject: 
Think there's a large mix of languages in here <img src="" alt="" /> but english is prefered, since most of us understands it <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> As for DAZ buying Poser from CL... bah! They'd butcher it to something worse, and it'd probably only use DAZ specific stuff, encrypted in some weird way so you can't use any other figures <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> Only disapointment I had with P5 is that the firefly render is unstable, most likely due to bad coding, but other than that it's great. The material room in itself was worth the upgrade imo
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 09:17 AM ]
Post subject: 
Don't worry for the language erenda, the language barrier here is not so high. Sometimes people write something that I don't understand well and so I reply something that doesn't matter, and so on... <br /> <br /> About Daz Studio, I never tried it, I've my copy of Poser, my Posette <img src="" alt="" /> and all I need for making pictures... Now that we have Hawktoey that make (free) models for Posette & Dork I forgot Daz completely...
Paul Mon [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 11:20 AM ]
Post subject: 
Hiya erenda <br /> Welcome to the best Poser site on the web <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 11:28 AM ]
Post subject: 
Actually I downloaded the DAZ Studio from DAZ's website because the low V3 polymesh was included. Of course you can't import it into Poser (it took me a week to realise it! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ] <img src="" alt="" /> ) She even does not have nipples!!! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> , and she's fat <img src="" alt="" /> ! And some people dare call this " digital art for the masses"? <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> (Liars! The *.exe file was enormous!!! 50MB! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> I must work during the summer to pay my Internet taxes! @#&) !!! <img src="" alt="" /> It's true V3 has more polygons. But most ZBrush users know that there is a very clever "divide" button in the second version that allows you to increase the number of your *obj file's polygons. Then you can make all kinds of morphs using the same program. I tried this out on Posette but I could not do the join parameters in Poser <img src="" alt="" /> . <br /> As for P5. I have P4 & P5. But I'm using P4. (only 128 MB RAM!!! <img src="" alt="" /> The next summer I'll work 12 hours a day! ) My parents asked me what kind of gift I prefer when the principal did not kick me out from my high school. ( I didn't visit english classes for a month , and told the princital that I smoke the same cigarettes as her. It's true! Then I asked her why she smokes in her office when it's not permitted to smoke in the whole building! She told me to <img src="" alt="" /> !) I like P5 but I don't like Penny (the P5 girl) . She looks old! <img src="" alt="" /> I actually don't understand why there are P5 girl and P5 boy they are alike. And I tried to export P5 figures in P4. It works! Well , that was a lot of writing. I'm only talking about my problems! <img src="" alt="" /> I'm a typical teenager! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 12:24 PM ]
Post subject: 
Don't worry erenda <img src="" alt="" /> !! This is not exactly a "for professionals" site <img src="" alt="" /> ... We spend all the time in jokes, philosophy, art and farts ( <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ) talking endlessly... <br /> <br /> It's good to know something of the life in Bulgaria, it is a very unknown country for me. I planned to go there in february or march with my friends because here is told that the dentist are very cheap there... <br /> When I was 17een I passed my holydays loading and unloading trucks with water melons (real melons <img src="" alt="" /> ), but I remember that period as one of the happier in my life... <br /> <br /> About Penny and Don <img src="" alt="" /> , I have P5 installed and it is great for the material room, which is the only thing I use in this version that is not in the P4 package. Sometimes I render in firefly but my personal style is not so photorealistic to need it. <br /> <br /> About Penny and Don: I'm totally in love with Posette but I'm not so drastic with the male characters and I tried Don very little and It seems to me that he is not well supported... Maybe sooner or later we'll open a section for them with an user who is a fan of them <img src="" alt="" /> !
Anonymous [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 02:50 PM ]
Post subject: 
When somebody ask you about Bulgaria , tell him/her that you have heard about Stoichkov (famous bulgarian footballer), that bulgarians had invented the yoghourt , and that bulgarians had saved their Jews from the nazis during the WWII (actually the people had done this , not the government . I think it was the Orthodox church who had saved them. <img src="" alt="" /> ) . Bulgarians had became the slaves of the Osman empire in 1363 ( or 1336 <img src="" alt="" /> ) and became independent country again in 03.03.1878! ( That's our Independance Day. We have fireworks too! <img src="" alt="" /> ) It was the third bulgarian kingdom. The new bulgarian king actually was born in Germany ( or Austria). His name was Ferdinant. After WWI he had abdicated and his son Boris III (or II) had taken his place. ( Right now Boris' son Simeon II is our prime minister. I wrote something about him in the Joke area. We call him " the King") In 09.09.1944 the communist party had made some kind of revolution and the royal family had gone abroad. Boris had died before the revolution. Actually in the history books the Boris' government is called "monarco-fascist dictatorship". (Maybe because we were nazi Germany's allies during his government) Since 1989 Bulgaria is a democratic country. Oh I forgot! In 1988 or 89 there was a thing called " The Rainaissance process" (or something like that) The Turkish people living in Bulgaria wanted an self-government but communists made them change their Turkish names with bulgarians names. My mother told me it was terrible. Poor people! Some people ( party's enemies) were send to Belene ( some kind of concentration camp). <img src="" alt="" /> Communists are bad! <br /> That was a short history lesson. (Not very short!) Now you know everything about Bulgaria. <br /> About the dentists. It depends. Taxi drivers in Bulgaria earn about 100-200 levs for a month (50-100 euros). Dentists usually take minimum 10 or maximun 40 levs (5-20 euros). Most of them have to pay taxes about 300-400 levs (150-200 euros). It's not cheep for us, but it's a paradase for you. And if you try to find a job in Bulgaria you must know english (no exceptions) , you must know how to work with computer, and the boss must be your relative ( almost always). And you must be younger than 25 years. (They didn't wrote it , but is true.) Yesterday I readed some topic about the corruption in some bulgarian forum.An 26-7 years old men said " Why destroy the corruption? We can't survive without corruption. I earned 200 levs (100 euro) for a moths but my boss pay me another 300 levs (150 euro). I can't survive without these money. Please, don't fight against the corruption . Just join the corruption!" <img src="" alt="" /> There are also many gypsies here. We scare them and they scare us! They have a lot of children (8-10 children) and they didn't work anything. Nobody wants to hire them because they are gysies! Sometimes they sell their children in Greece. Mothers tell they don't care , but I'm sure they care.They are their babies! If you still want to visit Bulgaria go to Albena (great resort!) The streets are clean (really), and you can't find any board in Bulgarian. It's all in english and german. You'll see old happy people everywhere (german tourists). There are few bulgarians in Albena by the summer it's very expensive. But we go to our villages. They 'll remind you 1950 or 1940. But the nature is beautiful. You must see the Balkan mountain. Or Shipka. That's peak there is a great pantheon.
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 02:59 PM ]
Post subject: 
I'll come in Bulgaria sooner or later <img src="" alt="" /> ! Yes, the price are very low compared with ours, and the economy here is a crap, I can hardly mantain my economical status. And about the corruption, it's everywhere. I can understand that man, when you become older and know that you can do very little against the evil that is in the world you begin to use the same system for you to survive...
tda42 [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 05:45 PM ]
Post subject: 
Can we open up the curtains and let the sun shine in please! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> I myself would love to come to your country. I find places to go very interesting and it makes you a little more wiser to learn of other culters. Besides you just don't see breath taking veiws where I'm at without somebody honking a horn at you on the interstate. <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 05:55 PM ]
Post subject: 
You'll need some instructions. If you say these things people will be gently with you... <br /> 1. Tell them that Stoichkov is the best! ( Don't try talk like Stoichkov ! <img src="" alt="" /> ) <br /> 2. Tell them that you like rakia! (bulgarian wisky.Don't drink it! It can kill a little horse! ) <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> 3. Tell them that you love Vazov's poem " Az sum bulgarche" (" I'm proud to be bulgarian") <br /> 4. Ask them what is " haidutin" It's an ancient word. It means a "rebel" but they will explain the meaning 1 or 2 hours. <br /> 5. Tell them that you like bulgarian folk songs, (don't use the word "chalga" ! <img src="" alt="" /> Most chalga singers look like V2 <img src="" alt="" /> ), your favourite song is " Prituri sa planinata" (The mountain falls <img src="" alt="" /> ) The singer's name is Valia Balkanska. (sounds like opera <img src="" alt="" /> ) <br /> 6. Don't talk about politics or football.:-# Bulgarians think they're experts! <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> 7. Tell them that you love Vladimir Dimitrov's paintings. (or "The Master's paintings") <br /> 8. And the most important : when you don't know what to say tell them: " Levski e geroi!" (Levski is a hero!) And try somehow to explain them that you mean Vassil Levski is a hero , because there is a football team with the same name. <br /> Oh! Don't go to watch football matches. <img src="" alt="" /> They always ends with fight between the fans. <br /> <br /> You'll like that country! <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 06:09 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thank you! <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> I'm sure I'll have a fun time. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> Rakia would be what we call Jack Daniels in the green label here. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> Here is one that we make in the Smokey Mountains. It's called Moonshine! <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> Glad to here from you. That was interesting. We will have to exchange pictures sometime. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 06:11 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> But, tell me: bulgarian words are spoken like they are written, no special pronounce like english ? <br /> <br /> (Tormie ever guessed why write a world in a way and speak them in another way <img src="" alt="" /> ...)
Anonymous [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 07:49 PM ]
Post subject: 
We don't use the latin alphabet. There is a Cyrillic alphabet that cotains more characters. Russians use the Cyrillic alphabet too! But I'll try to write a transcription. <br /> "rakia" is pronounced like it's written , there is special pronounce for '' Stoichkov". The '' ch" is pronounced the same way as in english. (we have a special character/letter for that sound). "Vazov" is pronounced like it's written,his famous poem ''Az sum bulgarche"... <img src="" alt="" /> ...well try to pronounce the ''u" as you pronounce it in ''church'' (we have another special character/letter for this one). We always read the letters in the end of the word. The "e'' sound is pronouced the same way as in... <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> when there is no ''umlaut'' (I hope you know what is an ''umlaut"8-[ , because I can explain it! <img src="" alt="" /> I haven't speak German for years, I even can't build a sentence in German <img src="" alt="" /> ). "Haidutin '' is pronounced like it's written. Well ''chalga" (actually chalga is a Serbian music , so don't use this word. Just don't say ''pop-folk" <img src="" alt="" /> ). "prituri" this an old dialect word again the ''u" is pronounced the same way as in German (without "umlaud" <img src="" alt="" /> ). "sa'' another dialect word , the correct form is "se" (subsidiary verb) it's pronounced "sa" or "se", that's easy. "planinata" (the mountain "the" = "ta" in the end) this is easy too. It's pronounced like it's written. "Vassil Levski" is pronnced "Vasil Levski". "Valia Balkanska" (we use a special character/letter for the "ia" sound). Don't pronounce "Balkanska" as you pronounce "Balkans" in english, pronoune it as it's written. You'll never understand how hard is this. <img src="" alt="" /> Maybe some expert in slav languages will explain this better. Some good-speaking-english expert in slav languages... <img src="" alt="" /> . Don't try to write using the Cyrillic alphabet ! If you do it ,you'll start to get mixed up when you're using the latin alphabet. <img src="" alt="" /> I hope you understood something... <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 07:50 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ...
Hawktoey [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 08:22 PM ]
Post subject: 
Two to too much!!! (How's that Tormentor?) <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Welcome erenda to Posette Forever!! <br /> <br /> I don't know taking an admitted teens word of what to say when visiting his/her country seems a little of. How do we know it's not a teenager's prank to get us old farts <img src="" alt="" /> in trouble with the local peoples. <br /> <br /> P. S. ~ I am just funning with you! Some take me to serious, others don't take me. <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 09:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
Hey, is erenda, a what looks like and old type brand good'ole teenager... <br /> <br /> Wonder if <b>I</b> wrote those "ready words to say" <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> ("It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go..." Tormie is whistling...)
Anonymous [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 11:00 PM ]
Post subject: 
Congratulations! Now you're a half bulgarians! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> You know how to pronounce the most important word in bulgarian language (rakia <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ). When you went in Bulgaria just find some table and say: "R-a-k-i-a!!!! Free R-a-k-i-a!!!! and you'll find minimum 20 new fiends and another 10 musicians , including an exotic dancer. This word can break the language barrier. Only 500 gr rakia can do this miracle! <img src="" alt="" /> And after you drink it you will be able to pronounce the second very important word in bulgarian. (nobody can pronounce it if he hasn't drunk rakia ) It's the longest bulgarian word! It's "Neprotivoconstitutsiotsiovatelstsvuvaite!!!" It means " Don't break constitution's laws!" But whatever you do don't call your new frends "ganiovtsi" <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ! <img src="" alt="" /> I need an half hour to explain what it means <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> .Well you must read "Bai Ganio" ("Oncle Ganio" <img src="" alt="" /> )at first and then I'll explain you what "bai" means. If someone call you "bai" don't tell him : " Yes, good bye! See you tomorrow morning!" <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Thursday, 06 January 2005, 11:10 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> !!! <br /> <br /> Rakia Rakia !!! <br /> <br /> >BURP!< <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> Thank you for sharing a bit of your country with us erenda <img src="" alt="" /> !
Anonymous [ Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 09:14 AM ]
Post subject: 
Now that you have mentioned the Cyrillic alphabet, have you ever thought how ironic it was for the Soviet Union to use that alphabet? Here they were an officially atheist state, yet they were using the alphabet created by a saint for the purpose of spreading Christanity though out the domains of the Eastern Roman Empire and beyond. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Anonymous [ Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 09:46 AM ]
Post subject: 
Tormentor, the disjunction between spelling and pronounciation of the English language is perfectly understandable from in the view of its history. Even as it is fustrating from a logical perspective. Britian as a whole and England in particular has been the site of many migrations and invasions. Each of these wave of people brought with them their own languages. Most of the time these people became the lords of the land, with the prior peoples as the common folks. It was the common folks who were the servants and it was the servants who often had more contact with the childern of the lords than the lords did. So the youngsters learned the speech of the common folks of their time. They were not as fluent in the languages of their blood lines and their parents had been, however, they did speak both languages. In time words from the invaders language found their way into the vocabulary of the common folks. By that process the language that we now know of as english has gathered sounds from many other languages. <br /> Consider the words, pig, pork, and hog. Each word came from a different invasion. <br /> <br /> But what about the spelling? Until a few centuries ago, English was considered to be a vulgar language; while the language of the "invaders" was considered to be refined. Latin being the language of the Church and the Roman Empire, was considered the most refined. Therefore most writing was done in those languages rather than in English. <br /> Then when written English was becoming a common thing, the English crown at the time assigned a task to create the offical speller/dictionary of the language. Up to that time there was no such thing as missssspelling a word written in English, because there was not right way to spell the words in that language. The person assigned that task, did a poor job of it. <br /> <br /> What he did was to perform a study of the language that could be summed up this way: Gather all of the document written in english that you can find. Make a word list from those documents. When you find two spellings for the same word, keep the first spelling and ignore the other. When finished call your word list the official speller of the language. <br /> <br /> Here is the unix command line interpretaion of that project: <br /> <br /> cat `find /usr/docs -type f` | split | sort | uniq >speller <br /> <br /> <br /> Pangor
Tormie [ Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 12:35 PM ]
Post subject: 
Lol! <br /> <br /> ( <img src="" alt="" /> Tormie think that Italy has nothing to learn about being invaded but the spelling is easy <img src="" alt="" /> )
Anonymous [ Tuesday, 11 January 2005, 08:26 PM ]
Post subject: 
Italy had been invaded and reinvaded many time. As it has been said for a time sacking Rome became almost a hobby for barbarian chieftains. However, the differences between the development of the English and Italian languages has to do with respect that the root languages of those languages were given during the past two thousand years. <br /> <br /> The roots that lead to the English language was most often seen as vulgar, "the gutter talk of the commoners.", as I mention previously. On the other extreme was Latin, the root of the Italian language. It was respected as the language of the Roman Church, it was the language of scribes a clerics, men of the cloth. It was also the language of the former Roman Empire. Even long after western half of the empire fallen, the dream that was Rome survived. Many growing kingdoms and empires were seen as the rebith of Rome, such as the Holy Roman Empire. Today's EU is that same dream tring to take form in reality once again. Latin was also the "Lingua Franca" ( pardon the pun <img src="" alt="" /> ) for many centuries, it was the common language that was used by native speakers of other languages. When most regions of what is now Italy were invaded during the past two thousand years, the invaders often thought their own language was inferrior to that of the Romans, which is the opposite of how invaders felt about the English root language. <br /> <br /> This is not to say that there are not variations in Italian. Just try to get the some people together from different provinces of Italy, people who only speak that regions traditional dialect, and see how poorly they can understand each other. There was no "Italian" language as we now understand the term until the time of the wars of unification, when the individual states of Italy were forged into a single nation again. That is when the language was codified, with the help men of learning. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Tormie [ Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 12:58 AM ]
Post subject: 
Ok, we'll use esperanto now <img src="" alt="" /> !!
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 01:57 AM ]
Post subject: 
OH NOOOOOO!! Not esperanto, its got way too much caffine, <br /> <br /> Oh, wait, you are still talking about languages ..... in that case all I can say is ..... <br /> <br /> OH NOOOOOO!! Not esperanto!!!!! <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Pangor
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 04:21 AM ]
Post subject: 
I guess the Solviet Union just couldn't replace this alphabet . All countries of te Solviet Union had used this alpabet from centuries. Russia is a big country , if you travel from Moscow to Magadan or somewere else it would take you more than a day to arrive. There were people in Russia who even didn't know to write in their native language. It's not possible to order tree different generations of people to stop using the only alphabet they know. <img src="" alt="" /> Instead of this they celebrated the patron saint's day of Cyril and Metodii , organized a big parade , and after that told the people that there was no such a thing as God , there was only the communist party , and its leader. <img src="" alt="" /> That's truly ironic! But there is something even more ironic. <br /> A 6 years ago there was a high-educated professor here who told that we must not use the Cyrillic alphabet anymore , because it's too communistic. <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 05:40 AM ]
Post subject: 
Ironic indeed. It also goes to show you how poorly educated educators can be. It is the same in this country. All too often, school is something to endure rather than to learn in. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Poserkatz [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 01:41 AM ]
Post subject: 
Really interesting thread... <br /> <br /> But now, erenda, please try to tell me, what your signature ("Sireuma deritika kren orul detoril!")means translated in english, if it is possible to translate. <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 09:44 AM ]
Post subject: 
I'm trying to invent my own language and my signature is a sentence from this so-called "sellen" language. ( "sellena " means moon in ancient greek). "Sireuma deritika kren orul detoril" means " Always more, never enough."
Ozymandias Jones [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 09:57 AM ]
Post subject: 
Sounds very interesting, trying to create your own language. This is something of a challenge I would think. <br /> <br /> You might be the next Tolkein.. elvish and mordor(ish) etc, <br /> <br /> What do you hope to use it for?
Poserkatz [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 02:03 PM ]
Post subject: 
Very good sentence, i agree with this <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Your own language? Uh, i think it's difficult to create with all the grammatics, <br /> past, present, future and first person, 2nd person and so on... - but that's <br /> your turn <img src="" alt="" /> - hoewever, i wish you luck for this work.
Tormie [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 04:27 PM ]
Post subject: 
Today I tried my own new language at work in a small room with a lot of other workers in it... <br /> After a bit all the people went out and I was alone there <img src="" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> I only thought that a fart-language was a cute thing <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 04:45 PM ]
Post subject: 
Tormie! <img src="" alt="" /> Are you speeding again? <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Sniff, sniff! <img src="" alt="" /> What's that smell! <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Thursday, 13 January 2005, 06:25 PM ]
Post subject: 
Not mine <img src="" alt="" /> , you look too much healty <img src="" alt="" /> !

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