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The Posetteforever diary - Tips and trix

TdaC [ Friday, 28 December 2007, 07:32 PM ]
Post subject: Tips and trix
Sorry if there already is a topic like this, i didn't see any. <br /> <br /> I want you to post here about the tips or trix you have discovered in poser. It can be anything, a new use of props, something that speeds up render time.. anything. <br /> <br /> A discovery of mine that i thought i'd share. You can do more with hairs. I ususally use free hairs and most of them are very good. But sometimes i don't find the kind of hair that i want. So i experiment with the hair that i got. I have discovered that sometimes hairs change into a better hairdo when u flip the dials to the extreme. Below is a pic of koz wave hair. It is a shoulder length wave hair, but if u spin the dials to the extreme, it becomes a very long straigth hair. <br /> <br /> anyone else discovered something good?
ahjah [ Friday, 28 December 2007, 08:50 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Tips and trix
<img src="" alt="" /> Interesting idea, have to think about <img src="" alt="" /> (most of the time I'm tricking myself <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ) <br /> Your one on the hair is astonishing. I never liked this base too much, but in the extreme it looks realy good...
TdaC [ Friday, 28 December 2007, 11:33 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Tips and trix
Thanks. I don't really like that base either. but spinning the dials to the extreme makes the hair work for me. I have not made any morphs or used magnets on it, just spinned those dials to 3-4 000 i think. <br /> <br /> Another tip is that v4 clothing fits posette if you conform the clothing, choose the hip and move it down. <img src="" alt="" />
Nik [ Saturday, 29 December 2007, 12:33 AM ]
Post subject: If You Conform The Clothing, Choose The Hip And Move It Down
"...if you conform the clothing, choose the hip and move it down. " <br /> <br /> I'm, uh, not sure how that would work in P4, but there's some neat, non-dynamic V4 stuff I was going to try to rework...
Marv [ Thursday, 23 June 2011, 07:46 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Tips And Trix
Speaking of hair, you ever have Posy all set up just the way you want her and then start going through your pose library. Sometimes you apply a pose and it seems that the hair flies off and you have to go about putting her hair back on. I grew tired of this years ago and decided that once I have her hair on and before I start posing I lock it in place, even though it is parented, and that seems to fix the problem of the flying hair. No really. <img src="" alt="" />
ahjah [ Thursday, 23 June 2011, 08:43 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Tips And Trix
<img src="" alt="" /> Thanks Marv, I never tried this, it would lock all the styling and movement morphs, too. <br /> The Problem is, some of the pose files are saved for a Character with a particular hair on. If you use another hr2 (internal name is allways figureHair) it will jump off in most cases. <br /> <br /> I tend to this Procedure: <br /> Load the hr2, change parent to Universe, load another hr2, re-parent the first hr2 (Poser will tell you "figureHair already exists" with the option to change it's internal name. Change it!), delete the second hair you loaded, re-save the hair as pp2 (Prop!). That will do it, and you don't have to lock it <img src="" alt="" />
kageryu [ Thursday, 23 June 2011, 03:49 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Tips And Trix
One trick I found a long time ago, and is handy when on a mcahine with limited resources, is for altering an items color without needing to create or purchase lots of texture maps. There are a couple ways to do this, one is to set the textures strength for an image map to a lower value (like 50 to 75%) and change the default color - though this may require some test rendering to get the mixing to look right. Another way is to create simple greyscales of all of your textures - enhance the contrast a bit and use them at 50% with a base color on the figure. I orriginally did this for Hair files that didn't have a color texture I wanted, and to save valuable HD space by not having hundreds of texture maps for one item just in different colors.

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