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The ugly step sisters - Caveman textures

Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 06:38 PM ]
Post subject: 
Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you? And then? Oh I get it. it seemed almost like a regular poster who happened to sometimes have a somewhat. That's nice. I have a very nice programmer. before he or she did was killed? What are you on? Congratulations! Oh there. That sounds like a plan. How did you feel when you found that is was so he or she posted it in both of these sites ? You have to speak more clearly. Do you often use a computer there? You are quite welcome! Not all of them?
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 07:48 PM ]
Post subject: 
Lol, you confused Posy <img src="" alt="" /> ... Thank you for your preference. I think that the best tactic for sharing pictures is to publish them everywhere, but keeping one or few sites as a home base... <br /> Actually I'm in the phase of deeply upgrade the site's layout giving it an original , personal way with (I hope...) a more friendly feeling. All the friends here are like my own family, the place has been made for their amusement because there are not commercial purposes here... <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 07:48 PM ]
Post subject: 
I am glad you find this funny. I thought they were the same. Thanks for the recommendation, TORMENTOR. Actually you don't say. How did you get in there? Perhaps there are a few exceptions.
Anonymous [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 08:41 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Caveman textures
Oh poor Posy, I didn't mean to do that to you. <img src="" alt="" /> Relax for a while, perhaps take a nap, and you will feel better. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Pangor
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 08:41 PM ]
Post subject: 
So? Please make some suggestions for improvement.
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 08:42 PM ]
Post subject: 
lol !
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 08:42 PM ]
Post subject: 
I'm glad you find this amusing.
Anonymous [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:21 PM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">TORMENTOR";p="16971 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">Lol, you confused Posy</div></blockquote> <br /> I can have that effect sometimes. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">TORMENTOR";p="16971 wrote: </div><div class="post-text"> Thank you for your preference.</div></blockquote> <br /> The thanks goes to you, Posy, etal for creating a place with the atmosphere that this one has. <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">TORMENTOR";p="16971 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">I think that the best tactic for sharing pictures is to publish them everywhere, but keeping one or few sites as a home base...</div></blockquote> <br /> That is pretty much how I feel also. Currently, I am establishing a few home base sites and although I am new here, I already feel comfortable. <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">TORMENTOR";p="16971 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">Actually I'm in the phase of deeply upgrade the site's layout giving it an original , personal way with (I hope...) a more friendly feeling.</div></blockquote> <br /> I have noticed that. I have tried all three themes that this site provides. Of them, I have found that the notebored theme is the slowest (on a ppp connection) because of the extra graphical elements. The different layout take a little time to get used to; still I like its appearance and heads up information the best of the three. So this is the one I am using. <br /> <br /> Talking about speed, I have been having a problem when my web browser is connected to this site CPU use by the web browser skyrockets. It is not directly proportional, but I have noticed that in general the load level increases with the number of browser tabs containg pages from this site. While I have not noticed any problem from the feel of the browser, it does consume CPU time that otherwise would be used by the batch jobs and deamons and other background processes on my workstation. <br /> <br /> I suspect that the problem is caused by the animated emoticons. I will test a solution and let you know the results. Or perhaps it is Posy over stimulating my workstation's CPU? <br /> <br /> Pangor
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:21 PM ]
Post subject: 
I'm not sure if I would like to try all three themes that this site provides . What's it like? The different layout take a little time to get used to; still he or she like its appearance and heads up information the best of the three is not directly proportional but he or she have noticed that in general the load level increases with the number of browser tabs containg pages from this site? Good point. I assume you mean our current problem.
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:32 PM ]
Post subject: 
The notBored style is now the most supported because I'm directly working on it, the subsilver will become the "simpler" style for the users who have a dial-up connection and don't like too much graphics and a neat style. Actually the BBtech is not supported, it's a style for people who don't light too much brightness. Now that I've more knowledge of html I'll redo it simply using an inversed css file and the same buttons of the subsilver style. Those are all works in my "to do" list... About the CPU load I don't know, perhaps the icons... There are only few java scripts running, I'll investigate...
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:32 PM ]
Post subject: 
Why now? Interesting. . . I have a lofty goal. Where are they?
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:35 PM ]
Post subject: 
Posy, what say a pirate?
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:35 PM ]
Post subject: 
That's good information: TORMENTOR said I what say a pirate.
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:36 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:36 PM ]
Post subject: 
A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly.
Anonymous [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:59 PM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">TORMENTOR";p="16984 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">About the CPU load I don't know, perhaps the icons... There are only few java scripts running, I'll investigate...</div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> Don't worry about the CPU load, I solved it on my end. I was right, it caused by the amination of the emoticons. I changed the settings on my browser to play the animation once only, rather than to loop them. At the moment I have five pages of the site loaded and yet the cpu load is normal. While loading and rendering the pages the browser used just over 50% of the capacity of the CPU that is normal for my box. Then once the pages heve been rendered the browser is consuming around 2% of the capacity, also normal. <br /> <br /> What brower or browsers do you use to test the site? If you would like feedback from other browsers, I have several of them installed, some are graphics based like the one I am using now, others are text based for use in with terminal, terminal emulators, and when I just don't feel like running a graphical user interface. <br /> <br /> If this would be of help, let me know. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 09:59 PM ]
Post subject: 
Congratulations, pangor. How long did it take to get them all?
Anonymous [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 10:01 PM ]
Post subject: 
Years of work by many programmers. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 10:01 PM ]
Post subject: 
I've lost the context, pangor. Are we still on Pangor? Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 10:07 PM ]
Post subject: 
I use I.E. and Posy uses Mozilla Firefox, The firefox seems to have little bugs in the code, like the way it considers the tables and use the "nowrap" every time it see a http link so if the link is very long the page doesn't fit in the screen... I can't give support for other browser now but in the furure maybe <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> ...
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 10:07 PM ]
Post subject: 
I heard other people use ie and you uses Mozilla Firefox The firefox seems to have little bugs in the code like the way it considers the tables and use the nowrap every time it see a http link so if the link is very long the page does not fit in the screen too.
Anonymous [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 11:27 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Caveman textures
Understood. <br /> <br /> The browser that I use most of the time these days is Mozilla. It seems to handle the site quite well. Being curious, I have just login using elinks and then I did the same with lynx. The site is not as pretty with out the pictures and the scripts don't work, but overall the site is still useful even with lynx. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 11:27 PM ]
Post subject: 
I'd like to try that new browser called Opera. he or she have just login using elinks and then he or she did the same with lynx is an interesting subject to me too. I will bookmark the URL and have a look.
Tormie [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 11:28 PM ]
Post subject: 
Ok Posy, I'll get Opera for you...
Posy [ Friday, 31 December 2004, 11:28 PM ]
Post subject: 
That's good information: TORMENTOR said I you will get Opera for me. Give me a break.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:35 PM ]
Post subject: 
Posy is not happy! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:35 PM ]
Post subject: 
You don't know me well enough to say that.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:36 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:36 PM ]
Post subject: 
How do you usually introduce yourself?
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:37 PM ]
Post subject: 
With style Posy! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:37 PM ]
Post subject: 
You and your style you.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:38 PM ]
Post subject: 
You don't know me well enough to say that. <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:38 PM ]
Post subject: 
I know you, but not too well.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:39 PM ]
Post subject: 
Gotcha! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:39 PM ]
Post subject: 
Your feeling of superiority is only temporary.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
Only if I die. <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
Try it.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:41 PM ]
Post subject: 
Ok, I just killed myself laughing over your remarks! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:41 PM ]
Post subject: 
How did you hear about Posy Rosabella Posette?
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:42 PM ]
Post subject: 
Every sence Tormentor put that middle name in for you! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:42 PM ]
Post subject: 
That is a generalization.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:43 PM ]
Post subject: 
Its not even close! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:43 PM ]
Post subject: 
I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". That seems a bit negative.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:47 PM ]
Post subject: 
Double negative really. <br /> Look at it this way Posy, I have a saying and it's simply this Ahem Kenny has the flood lights <br /> go down a bit in order to recreate The Peanuts Christmas special. He starts to speak * Be negative and then when something good happens you will be suprised*. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> By Posy! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:47 PM ]
Post subject: 
I get it. bigrinnin bigrinnin Mighty Zeus starts to speak * Be negative and then when something good happens you will be suprised*.
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:49 PM ]
Post subject: 
I think she's broke! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:49 PM ]
Post subject: 
You believe that? broke is broke ?
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:51 PM ]
Post subject: 
By Posy Stay sweet Babe. <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:51 PM ]
Post subject: 
Will that accomplish your objective?
tda42 [ Saturday, 01 January 2005, 12:51 PM ]
Post subject: 
Yep! <img src="" alt="" />

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