New Opening For Varinka

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Post New Opening For Varinka

#1  jwarndt 24 Nov 2014 23:10

I've still got a hundred or so illustrations to do for Varinka, but I skipped back to the beginning to make this little teaser for it. Now I think I'll work backward from the last frame, just so I can tell myself I've made some progress. This darned thing is just taking forever.



Last edited by jwarndt on 24 Nov 2014 23:14; edited 1 time in total 
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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#2  ahjah 25 Nov 2014 00:57

   Thanks for keeping us informed. I'd been starting to wonder...

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#3  Chromium 25 Nov 2014 14:37

Nice work with the teaser.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#4  jwarndt 01 Dec 2014 18:16

Thanks, ahjah and chromium

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#5  JanReinar 15 Dec 2014 13:01

Good job with the teaser!        

Here we go!

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#6  jwarndt 30 Dec 2014 20:11

JanReinar wrote: [View Post]
Good job with the teaser!        

Thanks, Jan
Sometmes I wonder if this thing will ever be finished. Because of possible copyright problems involving images I that use in backgrounds, I'm going to have to re-render about 100 panels. But since I kept all the .pz3 fles that won't be anywhere near as much work as starting from stratch.

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#7  ahjah 30 Dec 2014 20:21

This damn copyright/licensing stuff kills all creativity. We wouldn't have any music if all the birds that inspired musicians would call for the lawyer

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#8  jwarndt 02 Jan 2015 20:45

ahjah wrote: [View Post]
This damn copyright/licensing stuff kills all creativity. We wouldn't have any music if all the birds that inspired musicians would call for the lawyer

I can see the other side of the argument. I only realized that the balalaika solo I used on this other sample from Varinka


was available for use only under a non-commercial Creative Commons license after I'd already put it up on youtube. I don't plan to make any money on the completed video, but do intend to use that to find a film maker who'd be interested in buying the story (yeah I know, that's a longshot...) so in a sense that would be commercial use. So I looked up the musician, found him on a antiques collecting forum and sent him a PM explaining what I needed his music for. Within a couple hours he got back to me and said my use of it was fine with him. So it all worked out. Keeping track of all the music and 3-d props I used so I can give the creators all credit at the end will be something of a task. My concern about the images that I'm reworking the pages for involved their being covers of Sports Illustrated, Cosmo and Maxim magazines, and the logo of Baltika beer, a popular brand in Russia, and I didn't want to create  problems that could cause youtube to take down my video. Big corporations have deep pockets for litigation, and I'm just a step away from homelessness.

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#9  Chromium 05 Jan 2015 18:45

Great work, and a good playing by Posy.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#10  jwarndt 24 Jan 2015 02:20

Chromium wrote: [View Post]
Great work, and a good playing by Posy.

Thanks. The balalaika performance is by a musician named David Pareis. He's posted quite a number of solos on various instruments on the internet archive.

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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#11  Chromium 25 Jan 2015 16:27

jwarndt wrote: [View Post]
Chromium wrote: [View Post]
Great work, and a good playing by Posy.

Thanks. The balalaika performance is by a musician named David Pareis. He's posted quite a number of solos on various instruments on the internet archive.

P3Dork: Looking at the video again I'd say the playing was by the uber talented Posy!

P4Dork: Ditto.

P3DOrk: Who is this David Pareis, balalaika playing impostor?

P4Dork: Oh, he said he's a musician, and apparently he's posted a number of solos on various instruments on the internet archive.

P3Dork: Did you see that video, clearly it was Posy, playing.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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Post Re: New Opening For Varinka

#12  ahjah 25 Jan 2015 17:43

Yes, is really a place to be from time to time. If you're lucky you can even find some lost items using the wayback machine

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