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♥ PosetteForever ♥

Whip The Admins... - Main email address changed

Tormie [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 04:19 PM ]
Post subject: Main email address changed
Hi friends <img src="" alt="" /> , I had to change the main email address of the site to <!-- no smilies start --><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(' </script><noscript>posetteforever [at] spamcop [dot] net</noscript><!-- no smilies end -->. <br /> <br /> Nothing will change for you, but it seems that the email addresses hunters have stolen some of our addresses at and sold them to spammers mailing lists, so we are receiving a lot of spam-messages pretending to sell the same stupid things (how to make money easily, how to enlarge my pe..s <img src="" alt="" /> (damn... gotcha <img src="" alt="" /> ), how to... etc. ). <br /> <br /> They seem to steal all the webmaster@something... and the addresses in the META tags of the forum page. They <b>CAN'T</b> steal your email addresses from our list because they are hidden (only the admins can view them if you decide to hide them, that is the default option), but be careful and share them only via PM. <br /> <br /> I bought (>sigh!< 30 buck$...) a email address and I sent there all the messages sent to the main address of the forum or to other "public" addresses. They will take care of spammers automatically and will purge them...

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