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♥ PosetteForever ♥

Whip The Admins... - Problems sending emails from the site

Tormie [ Tuesday, 07 February 2006, 09:22 AM ]
Post subject: Problems sending emails from the site
Hi friends. <br /> <br /> Today godaddy changed something in the configuration and the site is unable to send the emails using the usual way. Assuming that it's night in the States probably it's some sort of manteinance work, however I've put a patch on it but the site's email address is temporary changed from <!-- no smilies start --><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(' </script><noscript>posetteforever [at] spamcop [dot] net</noscript><!-- no smilies end --> to <!-- no smilies start --><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(' </script><noscript>webmaster [at] posetteforever [dot] com</noscript><!-- no smilies end -->. Because this address has a limited capacity of sending emails per day (250 instead of 1000) I hope all will be solved soon, or we'll have to change the hosting provider <img src="" alt="" /> (and Tormie will have to spend money again <img src="" alt="" /> ) <br /> <br /> I've already contacted the support center at godaddy...
Tormie [ Wednesday, 08 February 2006, 11:54 AM ]
Post subject: 
The problem has been solved, I don't know if it's due to my "rude" request <img src="" alt="" /> or for something else <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 08 February 2006, 04:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
Tormie, maybe they did listen, sometimes it is good to revert to being The Tormentor. <img src="" alt="" />

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