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Whip The Admins... - Double Apostrophes In Album Comments?

jwarndt [ Saturday, 05 April 2014, 01:44 AM ]
Post subject: Double Apostrophes In Album Comments?
So far as problems go, this is a <i>very</i> small one, but I've been puzzled by double apostrophe marks that appear in comments I make in the Album forum. At first I thought it was a problem with my keyboard, or that perhaps the web server was somehow reading American English differently than it would English English. Then I began to fear that it was the first symptom of some tremor disorder that was making me hit that key twice, but I noticed comments there by other contributors also have that curious characteristic. Anybody know why that's happening? <br /> <br /> Even odder, that doesn't seem to happen here in the forum.
ahjah [ Saturday, 05 April 2014, 11:49 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Double Apostrophes In Album Comments?
<img src="" alt="" /> Hello John <br /> We have this glitch for years. <br /> It seems like a misinterpretation of quotes between our album software and the database and back. <br /> As I know the forum and database are written by the same hand, but the album is a different piece of software. Thus only the album is affected. <br /> I don't know if it can be fixed. I don't have access to the code and even if I had... well I'm not a programmer. <br /> It's an old issue and I'm sure Tormie would have fixed it if it could be done without much hassle. <br /> Thanks for reporting anyway <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PS: I moved this topic to the "Whip the Admins" forum
jwarndt [ Monday, 07 April 2014, 12:46 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Double Apostrophes In Album Comments?
<blockquote class="quote" cite="viewtopic.php?p=44541#p44541"><div class="quote-user">ahjah wrote: [<a href="#_somewhat" onclick="javascript:open_postreview('show_post.php?p=44541');" class="genmed">View Post</a>]</div><div class="post-text"><img src="" alt="" /> Hello John <br /> We have this glitch for years. <br /> It seems like a misinterpretation of quotes between our album software and the database and back. <br /> As I know the forum and database are written by the same hand, but the album is a different piece of software. Thus only the album is affected. <br /> I don't know if it can be fixed. I don't have access to the code and even if I had... well I'm not a programmer. <br /> It's an old issue and I'm sure Tormie would have fixed it if it could be done without much hassle. <br /> Thanks for reporting anyway <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> PS: I moved this topic to the "Whip the Admins" forum</div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> Hi Andreas, Thanks for clarifying that. Briefly, I was concerned that I was losing my typing skills <img src="" alt="" />

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