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Jokes - Modernity...

Tormie [ Sunday, 18 May 2003, 12:09 PM ]
Post subject: Modernity...
[color=#3600ff:ff312b63f4]An italian immigrant arrives at his destination in (Canada ? <img src="" alt="" /> Australia ? <img src="" alt="" /> ). At the train station there is a fellow countryman awaiting for him, an old friend who will host him for the first period... <br /> While travelling on bus, our man looks astonished at the big town, palaces, people, cars, all things he had never seen before... <br /> <br /> He arrives at his friend's home (a one-room apartment in the underworld) and look all around. <br /> <br /> " Hey, that is a fridge! I've seen one, long time ago! Oh! You've a crapper INSIDE your home, you're a very rich man here... " <br /> <br /> Then he look at the bed and see a cloth over it... <br /> <br /> " Wow! and what are these ? I think they are called "drawers", isn't it right ? " <br /> " Oh, yes, they are mine" proudly replies his friend, smiling from ear to ear... <br /> " And... How do you use them ? " <br /> " Oh, it's easy, the yellow side goes in front, and the brown one goes behind..." <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> [/color:ff312b63f4]
Ozymandias Jones [ Monday, 19 May 2003, 12:04 AM ]
Post subject: 
What they say about you is true... <br /> <br /> You're a funny man <img src="" alt="" />
Den Tracy [ Monday, 19 May 2003, 06:22 PM ]
Post subject: 
Tormentor: <br /> Ha Ha Ha ! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Mr. Jones: <br /> <br /> You say that I am a "bad bad man" and Tormentor is a "funny man"... <br /> <br /> I guess that would make you a funny, bad man ! <img src="" alt="" />
Ozymandias Jones [ Monday, 19 May 2003, 11:39 PM ]
Post subject: 
I prefer the term "Humorous Evil Doer", if you don't mind!

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