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The Posetteforever diary - Victorian Furniture?

Wheelchair [ Sunday, 17 May 2009, 12:00 AM ]
Post subject: Victorian Furniture?
Does anyone know of a good 3d models site that have Victorian furniture?Reasonable priced.
Tormie [ Sunday, 17 May 2009, 01:35 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Victorian Furniture?
We can only point you to free stuff pages Harold <img src="" alt="" /> ... In any case it's not prohibited to give you links to commercial sites using a PM <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> If I find something for free I'll post the link
Endosphere [ Monday, 18 May 2009, 07:40 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Victorian Furniture?
I can't recommend any professional stuff because I'm a cheapskate and don't even bother looking at for-sale sites. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Depending on what you're looking for exactly there are some free items in the free area at <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank">Artist 3D</a> that can be described as Victorian (in the Household section). The problem with that site for Poser users is that some of that models only come in .max format <img src="" alt="" /> as opposed to Poser-usable .3ds format, but if you have other programs to process .max then it would be no problem for you.
Wheelchair [ Tuesday, 19 May 2009, 02:28 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Victorian Furniture?
<blockquote class="quote" cite="viewtopic.php?p=41268#p41268"><div class="quote-user">Endosphere wrote: [<a href="#_somewhat" onclick="javascript:open_postreview('show_post.php?p=41268');" class="genmed">View Post</a>]</div><div class="post-text">I can't recommend any professional stuff because I'm a cheapskate and don't even bother looking at for-sale sites. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Depending on what you're looking for exactly there are some free items in the free area at <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank">Artist 3D</a> that can be described as Victorian (in the Household section). The problem with that site for Poser users is that some of that models only come in .max format <img src="" alt="" /> as opposed to Poser-usable .3ds format, but if you have other programs to process .max then it would be no problem for you.</div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> understand being reluctant to pay. Thanks for the site... I found some good close to Victoria style furniture there.

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