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Deviant Viking & Mitzo's Pole Dancing Club - My beef with poser

Tormie [ Thursday, 20 November 2003, 03:48 AM ]
Post subject: 
....Time passes but you become yonger and younger... <img src="" alt="" />
Den Tracy [ Thursday, 20 November 2003, 04:18 AM ]
Post subject: 
Amazing, isn't it ? <br /> <br /> All the clocks run backwards here now, after playing around with some <br /> of the alien equipment fron the UFO buried in my backyard. <br /> It looks like I am going backwards in time after breaking the <br /> Space/Time Continueum. <img src="" alt="" />
Paul Mon [ Thursday, 20 November 2003, 01:22 PM ]
Post subject: 
Slideshows of holidays.... <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> Mmmn, nudes, swords, temples and holiday slideshows...By Jove, I've got an idea for my next picture!
Posy [ Thursday, 20 November 2003, 01:22 PM ]
Post subject: 
Will that accomplish your objective?
Ozymandias Jones [ Sunday, 23 November 2003, 10:12 AM ]
Post subject: 
Hi, guys. I know I've been MIA for a few days, but I'm back again. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Just a few thoughts to add to what you are all saying. <br /> <br /> The gloss has worn off Poser for me a little as well. I don't post much, but I still do get enormous enjoyment out of the various images and animations I create for myself. I have found that the ability of some of the artists so far exceeds my own that I am reluctant to post among them, most of you guys included. <br /> <br /> When I first found Poser it was like a revelation. The possibilities seemed endless. I went on line after a few weeks using it, the thought that freebies would exist didn't spring to mind at first, despite being a relentless downloader of free Quake levels and mods for the Grand Prix games I played. I discovered a few sites and a whole other world opened up. The possibilities expanded yet againThen I discovered the big freebie sites. OMG! <br /> <br /> Now, three years later, I have yet to create that seminal work. The best selling 'toon or magazine cover art that would lift my name into the stratosphere among the Poser communities and, I believe, more importantly, beyond them. But I have a lot of CD's of free stuff <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> The closed world nature of the Poser community seals it from any real input and expansion of ideas. Poser is shunned and ridiculed by the 'serious' 3D communities and looked on as a bit of a paint by numbers set for pimple faced adolescents with too many hormones. And in a lot of cases they are right. It feeds off itself and mostly finances itself. It is, in short, an inward looking community for the most part. <br /> <br /> With any such closed group staleness and sameness eventually permeates the majority. It also becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. People expect NVITWAS images, they see them all around, think they are the 'standard' for the community, like them enough to create pieces for them and spawn more of the same, snowball effect. Anything out of the norm is either ignored or derided until it goes away and the group can settle back to their safe, mundane, non-challenging, non-threatening way of life. <br /> <br /> There are some challenging Poser artists around, but the very description, Poser Artist, usually categorises the expectations of the viewer and, sadly in most cases, the content of the piece. <br /> <br /> I stay around the community for the friendships, the news and the fun. I download a few freebies and enjoy the work of a number of artists and seek their work out when it is posted. I am not preoccupied with the community and its politics and try to avoid that side of it where I can. Poser and its resultant groups and forums are only a very small part of my life, for some out there it seems to be an all consuming obsession and these are not even the site owners! <br /> <br /> Ken; keep up your work. I personally admire your art and your approach. Same for most of the other artists on this site (this is not brown-nosing, it happens to be true) and would be sorry to see you stop. You have some serious talent. <br /> <br /> Ozy.
Anonymous [ Saturday, 07 February 2004, 06:40 AM ]
Post subject: 
Seems like "poser burnout", and I will admit my post have no real story or planning. <br /> you made a good point, among alot of other points. <br /> Quitting altogether would be a loss, go parttime...take a break from it. <br /> But don`t quit. <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Tuesday, 09 March 2004, 07:49 AM ]
Post subject: 
Hey Ken.First of all let me say that even though we have not talked that I have admired your work.I have been out on your site.Indeed the most powerful pictures was the smile from a knife.Another was <br /> a noose and shadow of the girl.Another one was of the girl feeling happy that day and she took a pill to be that way.Ken I don't have to know the titles of them nor do I have to know the girl in question.What is powerful is I remember it and it burns in the back of my mind.Thats what makes your work special.I have been a musician for 26 yrs and I turned off the radio to get origanalty.I don't <br /> look at someones art to be me.I do my own thing.Tormentor with Posie.Den with JR and other origanals,Guilty Pleasures with fantastic gothic to art of tigers and wild life that should be on a castle wall.TdaC with her Faries and a world we can not get to without her as a vehicle to drive us there.Ozy with his wit and that is his driving force to make history or anything at his disposal.I have never tried to copy anyone.I have simply shut down and let myself tell me what to do.I have tried to turn my Poser art upside down.I too have said what's the use.I have stayed with the future where I belong.Not <br /> looking at today but what I want tommorrow.Someone has already had today.And there is you.Where do you stand.Well my friend its in your head.Its that moment that you deside that the moment is right for you to shock them to there senses to show the truth.Life is'nt goody.It should never be.Your art is like a slap in the face.It says if you are not paying any attention this will happen to you.It is powerful <br /> and makes you reach out and grab us,suck us into your soul to leave us thinking.Your art bites at people.Some people run away but it is natural to come back out of habit.As in a auto accident.Groess <br /> but they look anyway.Yes you are powerful and I would by no means cut off the right hand just yet.Poser is what it says.A posing tool of human and life forms.Animation I have made heavily from <br /> this software.Back grounds and textures not too mention countless effects comes from other tools.Yes it is a money maker for the greedy.I have made models, textures, BMVs videos animations, sound tracks <br /> and numorous things with this software.Renderosity is what you say and its not slander, its true fact about the nude,porn and other hey look what I did I just spent $250.00 on this seen.Don't you wish you had it.Blah Blah.Its like competing with the jones (Ozy No Relation) <img src="" alt="" /> .Just don't go there Ken,just compete with yourselve, for he or she impresses him or herself will surely impress others.I have said before the web is a big place cause man you take on the world.Me I play king in my own sand pile.In my own neighborhood, in my own little world.Be happy in youself as you walk with yourself.You have already <br /> impacked others.You just don't realized it yet. As I said Life is'nt goody.It should never be.Keep Posing my friend,I'll be looking. <img src="" alt="" />
guiltypleasures [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 02:38 AM ]
Post subject: 
I just now stumbled across this posting and reading though it there was a lot of interesting thoughts from everyone. I haven't found myself feeling like quiting yet, but there may come a day when I do. My feelings have always been, when I'm not enjoying it, or having fun, then I stop. I could care less if people like my artwork, it's great if they do, but if they don't that's fine too. Heck my bf doesn't even like my artwork all that much. He says he thinks I'm good at it, but he doesn't understand it nor find it something he would want to spend time looking at for very long. To each his own I say, and what I find appealing others may not, and vise versa. Ken your work always inspired me, still does as well as Den's and Tormies and most everyone on this site. I like the varity of artwork found here, I love the cartoon series that Den and tormie do, that shows not only imagination but commitment to start a series and see it though. Humor is a big part of my world, as you have noticed I tend to be on the crazy side and I enjoy a good sense of humor. I wish I had enough patience to put some of our forum stories we do into a cartoon format of pictures (den, tormie here's your chance for a new adventure <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> I think the best way to not be disapointed with poser or any of your artwork is to just not do it for other people, do it for yourself, like Tormie said, be your own biggest fan, and let the others fight for 2nd place. I guess that holds true for me too, I enjoy printing out my favorite pieces of art that I make and hanging them on walls or sending them as gifts to my kids who love them almost as much as I do. <I've brainwashed them well> lol <br /> As for the comments on art, well if you think I don't like your artwork because I didn't comment, you are most likely wrong, I comment when I have time, when my hands don't hurt, when I'm not making picture and vewing the gallery during it's rendering time, but as TdaC said, I also get lazy too. I may comment on one of Tormies one day and the next day he may have one that I found even better and I didn't comment on it, because of one of the above reasons. So see comments <at least by me> may not always indicate that I like this one better than that one, or that I didn't like Den's or Ken's pic, becasue that could be far from the truth. <br /> Now if you guys are tried of doing artwork, take a break, if your tired of posting your art on sites, stop posting, but make sure you are doing it for the right reason's, not just to make a point, because as Ken said, the one's your trying to point this out to aren't going to notice anyways. You will just be depriving the one's that really love your work and do care. <br /> Okay, I'm off my high horse now and you can all charge me and thow rotton eggs at me <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 08:28 AM ]
Post subject: 
About comments... I tend to write them when I've the right inspiration, so it happens that I see and write comments for 86 pictures like I've done last week. One of the lack of our album is that it doesn't support the notifications of new comments by email, it could help a lot... The problem is that I'm not a real coder, I can install and modify a software already done... Maybe in the future... <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-nouser">Quote:</div><div class="post-text"> <br /> sending them as gifts to my kids who love them almost as much as I do. <br /> </div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> Your kids should be smart guys... "Mammy, this is soooo beautiful!!! Can we buy Grand Theft Auto 3 - Vice City this time ???"... "Mom, I want this one hanged (...) in my room !!! Can I play endlessly on line with Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory on you PC ???"
Deviant_Viking [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 10:34 AM ]
Post subject: 
After I lost all my poser savefiles, I've really lost much of my interest for poser. <br /> I know, it's the coming art that matters, and I still got the renders from the majority of them. But still, I often returned to them to get poses, lights, or use the old scene as a foundation for a new one. And sometimes I'd re-render at higher resolutions for printing. <br /> <br /> And, I've realised something. Even though I do first and foremost make my art for myself, it loses alot of meaning if nobody notices it. <br /> What is the point of a message if noone is aware of it?
Tormie [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 01:21 PM ]
Post subject: 
It depends on your way of thinking... I've my pictures with Posy <img src="" alt="" /> hanged in my house and my friends like them (they never believe that I'm the author), anyway I'm the first fan of myself, I like a lot my pictures (and Posy <img src="" alt="" /> ) so I look at my personal album a lot of times. <br /> <br /> For what concerns your noobish format of your hard disk <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> , it could be the time for trying different things... (even if I can't think about loosing my Posy <img src="" alt="" /> , if this would happen I simply would disappear from the poser world if not the world itself...)
Posy [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 01:21 PM ]
Post subject: 
Really now that is an interesting fact I hadn't heard before. Yes, even that.
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 01:33 PM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">Deviant_Viking";p="8281 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">And, I've realised something. Even though I do first and foremost make my art for myself, it loses alot of meaning if nobody notices it. <br /> What is the point of a message if noone is aware of it?</div></blockquote> <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> And I say that you need to listen to what we are saying.What about the fish that got away.What about that favorite baseball card that gor thrown out in the trash.What about the puppy you had as a kid and it died before you.The thing is I feel you are treating this as a death and look around you life springs up to pass you by again.The problem is with this technology we have to shown someone we did that.What happened to telling the story of interesting facts of how you created such a wonderful work of art.When someone dies do they not tell stories of wonderful times.This should be you.We want to hear your wonders of your art Ken.I stand by this saying and I quote "You should listen as well as you hear"(Mike and The Machanics)We are the footbal team and you are the quarterback.Now pick the ball up and throw it for a touch down! <img src="" alt="" /> This is the way I am Ken.I can be a friend if you let me and please don't think I am being harsh.Its just that I think you should move into the next faze.Mad scientist have blown up labs before my friend but they always come back to create their monsters. <img src="" alt="" /> Good luck bud.
guiltypleasures [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 02:56 PM ]
Post subject: 
I didn't mean to open up a new can of worms here, but I really do understand how bad you feel about loosing your files. I have lost a few things not much thank goodness, one was a picture of a REALLY cute guy I used to chat with on IRC a few years ago, I can't get that back, heck I can't even find him to ask for a new that's just sad! lol <br /> Okay, being serious <as I can be> I know how I feel when I loose something. I have been working on a story that I hope someday to finish as a book and if I were to loose what I have written up on the computer I would have a very hard time getting past it, because it's a piece of my life. But we do, we have to get past things, or we might as well just lay down and die and that's a shame because I'm sure we have a lot more to offer in our lives. Okay, now this is a silly question, but do you own a cdr burner? If so, Back Up Those Files, back them up 2 or 3 times and hopefully that will prevent this kind of thing from happening again <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Tormie: <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> Your kids should be smart guys... "Mammy, this is soooo beautiful!!! Can we buy Grand Theft Auto 3 - Vice City this time ???"... "Mom, I want this one hanged (...) in my room !!! Can I play endlessly on line with Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory on you PC ???"[/quote] <br /> <br /> Ahhhhhh Shuddup! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <I'm sending my 2 youngest kids to Italy to spend the summer with their Uncle Tormie and play computer games all day long with him> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Tda42, your words were right on, you are the kind of friend everyone needs, I'm glad you are a part of our little family here <img src="" alt="" /> In fact every one of you are all great and it's all thanks to Tormentor that he built this place so we all wound up here becomming friends. <br /> Now everyone get back to work, the floors in the clubhouse need scrubbing, deviant's poles need waxing and well, someone's cleaning the bathroom and it's not going to be me this time! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 03:05 PM ]
Post subject: 
Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! <br /> <br /> I just don't think I can say it enough.....
guiltypleasures [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 03:10 PM ]
Post subject: 
So then, what your saying landman is we should back up? Hmm, what a wonderful concept <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 03:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
Well, what I am saying is, if someone is that worried about losing data, then spend the money on some sort of back up hardware and media. Be it a tape drive, zip drive or some sort of cd-dvd writing drive. Set it up to back everything up once a day or once an hour whenever. And it won't be an issue.
guiltypleasures [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 03:26 PM ]
Post subject: 
I may be clueless, but is there a way to setup a computer to auto backup a cdr/cdrw without having to manually do it? I know that you would have to manually put the cd into the cdr drive, but if you were to put one in each day/week or however often you have it set to back up, can you then program the computer to start making a back up on it's own? I'm serious, if there is such a way, I would love to be able to do it, it would save me a lot of time and stress. <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 03:26 PM ]
Post subject: 
That is purely a hypothesis.
Deviant_Viking [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:04 PM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">guiltypleasures";p="8300 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">Okay, being serious <as I can be> I know how I feel when I loose something. I have been working on a story that I hope someday to finish as a book and if I were to loose what I have written up on the computer I would have a very hard time getting past it, because it's a piece of my life.</div></blockquote> <br /> You know what I did before I discovered poser? <br /> Nothing. <br /> Absolutely nothing, but sit around all day and play games. <br /> So when I finaly find something I can do, something I'm good at, something that proves I'm not just a nobody.. something that's been an important part of my life (I've worked with poser almost every day since I first got it).. and then lose a huge chunk of it... <br /> <br /> Honestly, I think I'm doing better than most other people would in my situation. <br /> I know I can still create new art, but that's not the issue here. It's all the art I already have created that's now gone, which I can't get back.
Deviant_Viking [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:07 PM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">Landman";p="8304 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! Back Up! <br /> <br /> I just don't think I can say it enough.....</div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> I did. I backed everything up on my newly acquiered external harddrive. Everything except the folder with my savefiles. I copied my runtime folder, and thought I'd taken the whole poser folder instead. <br /> It wasn't that I forgot to back up, it was that I fucked up.
Deviant_Viking [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:08 PM ]
Post subject: 
And I just managed to hit 'report' on landman's post instead of quote... *cough* <br /> Another fuck-up..
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:12 PM ]
Post subject: 
check your PM GP
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
A good question on the back up.I am not sure if there is such a thing because it would keep the drive pretty busy.I have always every day backed up anything I had that very day.I use to have a P166 with 32mb of memory and a 2gb on the Hdrive.I learned from that computer to back up stuff.Windows XP has a back up that lets you go to the date Windows had problems.To my knowledge it keeps the programs that were put into the PC depending on the date the application was loaded. <br /> GP thank you for those kind words.I think we all make good friends here. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:15 PM ]
Post subject: 
there are software based ways.....
Posy [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:15 PM ]
Post subject: 
Where are they?
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:20 PM ]
Post subject: 
well here is one.... <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank"></a>
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:21 PM ]
Post subject: 
Landman is there anyway you can load a tutorial for backup that might help from this kind of thing again. <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:24 PM ]
Post subject: 
I check the site out thanks. <img src="" alt="" />
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:36 PM ]
Post subject: 
here are a couple links. I don't know what OS any of you are using. but I'm betting they are Microsoft based. <br /> Windows XP and Windows 2000 were built on the same core operating system. the only differences are: <br /> Product activation, application compatability & different interface. <br /> <br /> you can start the windows backup utility by going to start then run and type ntbackup and hit enter. <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank"></a> <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank"></a> <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank"></a>
Landman [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
you could get windows to create the backup file locally using the back-up scheduler, and then manually copy it to the cd-r once a week. better yet a dvd-r holds more. also, you only need to bakup whats changed after you've made a master.
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 04:46 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thanks Landman.Always a pleasure to have you around.You Are A Great Problem Solver. <img src="" alt="" />
guiltypleasures [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 05:38 PM ]
Post subject: 
Ken, shame on you <img src="" alt="" /> You are somebody no matter if you do art, play games or just sit around and twiddle your thumbs! You are a good friend from what I have seen, you are someone that I find to be a very sensitive caring soul and to me that's worth more than anything else. Don't put yourself down or I shall be forced to create a band of monster gnomes to come and drag you across land and sea to Oregon where I shall kick your butt till you admit you are forced to admit I'm right! lol <br /> I agree you did take the loss better than most people, myself included. But you at least have the renders of most of your artwork which is important, I know the poser files themselves would have been nice to have to go back to and use parts and pieces again, but the final outcome of your work is found in the gallerys you have posted to, and I'm sure even on a lot of peoples hard drives that your work has inspired them to download to. <br /> Now fix me a drink and put on this g-string and show me some good pole action pronto before I have this joint closed down for lack of business! <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Nex, thank you too, and keep posting, we are all family here and we all must keep having fun! <img src="" alt="" />
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 05:50 PM ]
Post subject: 
Where's the video camera.Tormentor and Posy will get a kick out of this later. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 05:50 PM ]
Post subject: 
The video camera? Where is video camera ?
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 05:50 PM ]
Post subject: 
Above you! <img src="" alt="" />
Posy [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 05:50 PM ]
Post subject: 
Compare that to below you.
tda42 [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 05:51 PM ]
Post subject: 
You know she has got a point there. <img src="" alt="" />
guiltypleasures [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 09:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
two points if I remember corectly kenny <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> I don't have my video camera, but I have my new cell phone that takes pictures and it's so little they will never know <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Friday, 09 April 2004, 09:58 PM ]
Post subject: 
I don't know how to encourage you to continue doing your art Deviant Viking... I hope that the time will cure your actual feeling.... <br /> <br /> Thank you for your kind words GP <img src="" alt="" /> ... I'm on chat just now... <for a limited time only...ZZzzzzz...ZZzzzz..>
TdaC [ Saturday, 10 April 2004, 09:57 AM ]
Post subject: 
Dev! Don't put yourself down. You're not a nobody, you're a somebody! Someone not because you do wonderful art that makes us think, but because you are you! <img src="" alt="" />
Nex [ Sunday, 12 September 2004, 09:54 PM ]
Post subject: 
Very insightful commentary D.V. <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 06:59 AM ]
Post subject: 
I can understand how you feel. About the attitude of lack of artistic efforts by many, well I have posted on that before. Just as I have posted my history including the time that I lost inspirations. Even as I felt my abilities fading, I fought to stay with the art; but I lost the battle. While away from art, I felt like a lost outcast. I tired directing my attentin and efforts elsewhere, but it was not the same. If you ever leave the world of art, you will regret it. This is not a threat, just a warning based on how I felt. <br /> <br /> Here is how I feel about the situation with in the "Poser community": I am an outsider of that community and I plan to stay that way. Yes, I am using Poser in a big way in my recent works, and I plan to contiune to do so. However, I don't see myself as a Poser Artist, I see myself as an artist and I see poser as just one of the tools in my artistic toolkit. <br /> <br /> I don't know what each of you think of yourselves as, but to all of you I will say that none of you are Poser Artist. None of you qualifiy as being called Poser Artists. What are some of the qualificaton to being a Poser Artist? <br /> <br /> 1. Render pictures with Poser and Poser only. <br /> 2. Limit your "art" to what Poser can do. <br /> 3. Limit you vision to the limits of Poser. <br /> <br /> You are all artist. Plain and simple you are artists who use happen to use Poser as well as many other tools. None of you are qualified as being Poser Artists because you don't limit your art and vision thw way that they do. <br /> <br /> For those people on other sites who are qualified as Poser Artist, I feel sorry and I hope they can someday grow out of their condition. <br /> <br /> So who do I create my artwork for if not for the Poser community. I create is for my enjoyment and for my family and for you my friends in the artist community. I also post it in other sites including in the sites that are exclusivly Poser based, for those there who may enjoy it. and with the slight hope that it may inspire some of the "Poser artists" to look beyond their limited ideas and see what else is possible and perhaps even try something that is new and create their own personal style. <br /> <br /> Since I sarted buildig my Renderosity homepage, I have added many of you to my list of favorite artist. Not because I felt that I had to because of our association here, but rather because I like your art and each of you are among my favorite artists. If I didn't didn't feel that way about your work, even though I like you, you would not have been added to the list. As it is there are more of you who have not been added to the list only because, you either don't have any work posted on that site, or I have not discovered your username on that site. Also, there is one person on my favorite artist list who I am seriously considering removing from the list (this person is none of you), at first I liked some of the art work of that person, but now although beautifuly done, I am finding it boring. That person is a Poser artist and uses most of the works to promote the newest additions to that person's line of merchandise on that site. Yet, I hesitate removing that person from the list, for the sake of the early works made when that person was still an artist using Poser, rather than being a Poser artist. <br /> <br /> DV and everyone else, don't cast away art because of the habits of others who don't share our thinking. Continue to create art, for youself and for the enjoyment of all those who do appreciate and enjoy your artwork. As I said, if you give up on art, you will regret it, I speak from experience on this matter. I didn't give up on art but it did disappear for a long time and until it returned, I felt an empty. <br /> <br /> Pangor
tda42 [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:31 PM ]
Post subject: 
I couldn't have said it any better! <img src="" alt="" />
mordikar [ Wednesday, 27 April 2005, 12:01 AM ]
Post subject: 
I know this is an old post but it's still sooooo true.. Thank you Dev for making me realize that there ARE people out there who are interested in more than Vicky3's breasts and butt.... Go to any of the big art sites and the galleries get hundreds of images a day of all the same junk .. and 90% of it is vicky, steph, or aiko naked, maybe with a phot back ground thrown on .. and a light set thrown in to highlyigh all the important *cough* parts of her ... : <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> I started modling because there was no descent looking armour for posette that actually covered anything.. (or hardly for anyone else for that matter and the one descent set for that ugly vicky2 was like $40). I wanted to use poser to do figures for fantasy images with swords and dragons and armour and all i could find was at best a chainmail bikinni.... <br /> <br /> It's so nice to know that there are other people out there with similar viewpoints.
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 27 April 2005, 12:52 AM ]
Post subject: 
Mordikar, I think that you already know most of my position in this issue. <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-nouser">Quote:</div><div class="post-text">and all i could find was at best a chainmail bikinni....</div></blockquote> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> Nerd's impractical fantasy armor? I know it. I first saw it in 2000 on Remo's arial character. I thought is was a clever idea at the time. Then I found it at Nerd's site and then started seeing it in so many pictures that it soon was too trite for me to even consider using any part of it for anything. <br /> <br /> I posted my two most recent work, ok one work posted once as a polychrome image and once in monochrome, it was a portrait to test out my newest character. While working on it, I became the inital image for a series. I was going to me some simple images to practice some skills and test some techniques and idea, in preparation for a larger series. They were to be a series of rapidly produced fashion and beauty renderings, just for fun and practice; without any stories to tell or any deeper meanings. <br /> <br /> I already have a couple of those pictures ready for posting but I am holding on to them for a while, because, I ran into a problem. I found it harder to made these "meaningless pictures" than I had thought it would be. I could keep making the pictures as I had planned with no problems but I keep finding stories developing in my head to tie them together. The pictures that I have ready to post need to wait for their turn in the sequence of the developing story before being posted. <br /> <br /> Finding it so difficult creating "meaningless" images, I wonder how so many people can be happy creating more and more of the same old "meaniingless" pictures. And how others viewing them can like viewing the same old tired format with the same model with everything created with a point and click with no artistic effort on the part of the "Poser artist", as opposed to a real artist. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 27 April 2005, 01:28 AM ]
Post subject: Re: My beef with poser
Have you ever looked at the renderosity gallery sorted by:Top 100 Most Viewed" Images? <br /> <br /> The top five are all of nude women, more or less. The lighting, textures and the body shape of the character #1 most viewed are horrible. The body form porportions of the character and unnatural. <br /> <br /> The second image is a work in process were the artist was having texturing problems. <br /> <br /> The third is a joke image posted by someone how felt that same way as DV did when he started this topic. You can tell that it is a protest posting by looking at the thumbnail, but still it has been viewed 42,087 times as of this moment. <br /> <br /> There are some nice pictures and some real masterpieces in that list but the most of them make one wonder how they could have climbed so high in the number of viewings. <br /> <br /> The first one in the list that I feel deserves to be there on merrit of artistic content alone, is ranked #7. The first one on the list that in my opinionr belongs there hands down is even further down the list. <br /> <br /> Pangor
The Mighty Zeus [ Wednesday, 27 April 2005, 01:59 PM ]
Post subject: 
I know exactly how you feel DV. My work with the absolute most hits on Renderosity, the thumbnail is totally black with the word "warning nudity" on it and the most comments I get these days are three or four. (the largest number I ever recieved was 8 on an underwater piece that I built totally in C4D.) But you know I don't really build my art for other people. I build it for me. If others like it then great, if not then at least I am happy with it. This place is so different from every other place out there in that the people actually care about each other, much to everyones credit. Personally I like the work that people turn out here and I like the people here. That is why I call this place home.

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