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♥ PosetteForever ♥

Posette's Boutique - Welcome to Hawktoey's Boutique

Hawktoey [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 10:32 PM ]
Post subject: Welcome to Hawktoey's Boutique
Welcome to my boutique! <br /> <br /> This forum will be where I will take requests for new outfits, props, and the like for Posy, and for the time being the default Poser figures (those figures in the People rollout where Posette is located). I will take request as they come in and providing my skills can handle the task will make these outfits and post for all to get free of charge here in the Free Stuff area. <br /> <br /> There are a few rules to placing a request and here they are.... <br /> <br /> 1) State which figure the request is for either in the Subject area, or body of the post. Examples would be Posette, Dork and so on. <br /> <br /> 2) Subject line of post MUST have an outfit name. I don't want to be looking at a ton of post with the subject line "Request for outfit". This will not only help me keep track of what I am working on, and what is done, or coming up, but also let other people see what's being asked for without jumping in and out of every post. <br /> <br /> 3) Lastly, you must provide an image, drawing, photo, or at least a link to an example of the outfit requested. NOTE: The more views I have the better. <br /> <br /> The primary reason for this is to add more clothing for those figures we love most. I hope to see allot of request coming in, and soon Possette and her freinds will be adding more clothing to their closets!!!
Posy [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 10:32 PM ]
Post subject: 
Where are they? Then don't be. Just three?
Tormie [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 10:49 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" /> !!! <br /> <br /> Thank you Hawktoey <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> !! Posy is teasing me for new dresses every day <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_wall.gif" alt="" /> !!
Posy [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 10:49 PM ]
Post subject: 
... "Uncle Scrooge" Tormie uses to change the texture map of my dresses pretending to let me think that they are new ones <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_snooty.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_snooty.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_snooty.gif" alt="" /> ...
Tormie [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 10:59 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/icon_redface.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/icon_redface.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/icon_redface.gif" alt="" />
Hawktoey [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
Well hopefully now he won't do that anymore Posy!
Posy [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
How about that. Why do you hope for now he will not do that anymore you
Hawktoey [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:16 PM ]
Post subject: 
Because he will now be able to get you new clothes instead of changing just the textures.
rayera [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:19 PM ]
Post subject: 
Great idea Hawktoey, you are very generous in ofering your time and work for those of us that don't have great skils modelig or creating wears, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...
Posy [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:19 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thanks for your support. Are all idea Hawktoey you very generous in ofering your time and work for those of us that do not have great skils modelig or creating wears?
Tormie [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:33 PM ]
Post subject: 
Posy seems enthusiast !
Posy [ Sunday, 26 December 2004, 11:33 PM ]
Post subject: 
Do you mind if I tell other people: TORMENTOR said I seems enthusiast.
Poserkatz [ Monday, 27 December 2004, 01:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
Very great and honorable <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/smile.gif" alt="" /> . I'm curious about the requests. I don't work momentarily with Poser, so i don't have a request <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> - perhaps i can make textures for the one or another cloth-model from you, if i have the time next year. I don't be a modeller, that's just my 2 cents for this offer from you, hawktoey <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> .
Hawktoey [ Monday, 27 December 2004, 04:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
Poserkatz~ That would be a splendid thing if you can find the time! For texturing is not my best part. Which is strange as I can paint/draw in real life. I find computer painting/drawing a real pain. Although it is close to the real thing it still not quite there yet.
Tormie [ Monday, 27 December 2004, 07:21 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_think.gif" alt="" /> You can post the UV-Map of the model so that everyone can do something to help <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> ...
Hawktoey [ Monday, 27 December 2004, 10:08 PM ]
Post subject: 
That's what I was thinking! Great minds! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" />
Ozymandias Jones [ Monday, 27 December 2004, 11:54 PM ]
Post subject: 
Love to try my hand at the texturing of finished models too. <br /> <br /> Thank you for your generosity Hawktoey. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" />
Nex [ Monday, 03 January 2005, 01:16 AM ]
Post subject: 
This looks like an excellent idea Hawktoey! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_clap.gif" alt="" />
Paul Mon [ Wednesday, 05 January 2005, 02:08 PM ]
Post subject: 
Yeh, well done Hawktoey, a nice offer. Thanks <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/smile.gif" alt="" />
skullangel [ Tuesday, 22 August 2006, 11:46 PM ]
Post subject: 
Hi hawk... have you ever heard of a texture map for posette/dork that shows injuries, i need it for a little war series i'm planning on... Also have you ever heard a pregnant belly morph for Eve3 by arduino or P4wwgv2 They are posette compatible models...
Tormie [ Friday, 25 August 2006, 08:04 PM ]
Post subject: 
I'm sorry skullange, we have contacted Hawktoey but like many others he seems out of the 3d art for real life things, We don't know if or when he'll come back. This is the reason why this forum is in the "old projects" category. Sorry.
Posy [ Friday, 25 August 2006, 08:04 PM ]
Post subject: 
You don't say. There's no need to apologize.
Tormie [ Friday, 25 August 2006, 08:04 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thank you honey !
Posy [ Friday, 25 August 2006, 08:04 PM ]
Post subject: 
You are quite welcome! Don't call me "honey. "

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