You see some more users everyday because... »  Show posts from    to     

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Shebeen, the Staff forum - You see some more users everyday because...

Tormie [ Monday, 10 September 2007, 10:28 PM ]
Post subject: You see some more users everyday because...
You can see some more users everyday because I just installed a modification that allows me to send a notification to certain users: I selected the users that never posted, registered more than one year ago whose last login was prior to one year ago and sent an automatic message that says that the account will be deleted if they don't come to the site sometimes... I plan to send the messages to all tese users (slowly becasue I can't send a lot of messages at once) and then wait a period, maybe a month, and then delete all the users with zero post that never logged in in the last year. The number of active user and the user list will decrease a lot ... <br /> <br /> I want to know your opinion here
tda42 [ Monday, 10 September 2007, 10:42 PM ]
Post subject: Re: You see some more users everyday because...
Maybe so. I mean if they don't come to talk or look then what is the point of having them as a user. <img src="" alt="" /> I would say that we are 30 strong but remember people like GP or messenger or others who may want to come back but can't due to other things.
Tormie [ Monday, 10 September 2007, 11:12 PM ]
Post subject: Re: You see some more users everyday because...
Yep, I restricted the selection to users that never posted, deleting users that posted would even cause a deep mess in the database like when Nex was deleted on the spot on his request. This is the main reason why I never deleted "active" users

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