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Mystery Posette as Doll

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Mystery Posette as Doll
Image Details: ID: 7133 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 900 x 982 (207KB)
Posted: 26 Jan 2013 20:07
Views: 148
Pic Description: I was very proud of Mystery Posette-- she was able to stand so perfectly still for the this render I couldn''t even notice her blinking or breathing. She definitely has the skills and dedication to become one of my top models.

Tools Used: Poser 4, Paint Shop Pro 8.

Constructive criticism is welcomed on any aspect of this image, as I am striving to improve my skills in all areas.

Credits: Poser 4 Nude Woman with my own textures; Up-Do hair (free item) by Kozaburo with my own texture; Gothic Lolita Dress (free item) by aoaio with my own textures; Skirt from ''V4 Dress Up Chest'' (free item) by Jan 19 with my own texture; Pendant necklace from ''V4 Deco Jewelry'' (free item) by robrose; Midnight Bird Hat (free item) by Valea with my own textures. In the blurry background is the nice ''Roman Wall'' prop (free item) by Joe Kurz.

In the previous image I posted, I mentioned a long-term goal of mine is to figure out how to make Poser 4 render images in a certain peculiar style that might be esoterically termed ''Authentic photograph of doll object d''art constructed with the finest craftsmanship'' or ''Surreal photography.'' This image gives a little better example of the effect I''m seeking, mainly due to the lighting used here. As I noted previously, I have a long way to go to develop this style into its best possible form; yet hints of the intended end aesthetic are I think clearly taking shape here.

Clothing P4NW in fancy garments is always a challenge-- due to the technological and knowledge constraints of Posette''s heyday, even the very finest props of yore don''t match the middling-stuff available today for her more advanced cousins, and to make matters worse much of what was available at one time has for various reasons vanished and is nowhere to be found. This of course is why a repository like Posette Forever is invaluable to P4 artists and Posette fans.

In any case, I was able to find some decent clothes for Mystery Posette at the ''R'' place that are both thematically relevant to my concept of her character (she''s sort of a Steampunk mad-scientist and adventurer lady) and kind-of sort-of conform to P4NW despite being made for other Poser folk with different body parts. The upper portion of her outfit is a pretty nice model called ''Gothic Lolita'' that after part-scaling works well for Posette, with only the exception of the arms which must be posed separately. Obviously there are some problems with the shoulder geometry of this outfit; in fact I really don''t see how it could work properly even on the more advanced model for which it is apparently intended, but nevertheless the shoulder situation is drastically improved (compared to its original state) after the judicious application of some magnets by me. Obviously more work remains to be done, but since I am using the prop for an unsupported purpose none of this should be held against the fellow who made it and I thank him very much for his fine model available for free. As pickings seem to be very slim indeed for this peculiar style of clothing in freebie models, without this prop poor Mystery Posette would likely be limited forever to renders in her birthday suit as she would literally have nothing at all to wear. The cottonish part of the texture I made also needs more work, as it clearly does not offer a level of realistic appearance matching the rest of the outfit or Posette herself.

One enigma of this neo-Victorian ''Steampunk'' aesthetic I utterly fail to understand, but is apparently very important in the aesthetic, is that refined ladies must wear dainty hats but may only wear such hats at such severe angles on their heads that hairpins are required to hold the hat in place lest it fall off. If anyone knows a bit about these matters, I would very much like to hear an explanation of this particular aesthetic sensibility. Due to the model used Mystery Posette is wearing her hat at a relatively modest angle and the hat is almost large enough to offer genuine functionality in keeping rain or sunlight off her face, so if she is in serious violation of Steampunk fashion rules I''d like to know so I can address the matter.

Mystery Posette currently wears eyeglasses because I couldn''t find any freebie models of another Steampunk essential, a ''City of the Lost Children'' style pair of mechanized eye goggles. If anyone knows of a place to get such a prop any help would be appreciated; otherwise I''ll get around to making something passable eventually, once I''m done working on the rest of her.


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Poster Message
 26 Jan 2013 20:52
Very nice render, can't believe it's P4!

Love steampunk, but my own attempts look bad, this is very good with all the difficulties of not having native steampunk clothing for Posy, it's a great achievement.

Can't comment on the need for classy women to where dainty head wear, I'm sorry!

As for goggles, I borrowed a pair from Miki2.

The trick I was told for increasing the look of a fabric was to increase the bump map setting to a higher value by a touch (trial and error).

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 27 Jan 2013 00:52
A great character in the right setup here.

 27 Jan 2013 17:10
Great work with the character!

Here we go!

 28 Jan 2013 16:16
Very pretty. You take this to new heights.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
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