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Room 115 STARS office

Poster: Nik
Image: Room 115 STARS office
Image Details: ID: 8429 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 765 x 641 (72KB)
Posted: 20 Jul 2021 19:07
Views: 45
Pic Description: Another free SCG OBJ RE2 set recreation c/o Richard Mandel and ''Blood_Wraith''. More info on link...

Looked simple enough: the ceiling pendant luminaires'' panels would not need a mask, and I''d masks for both desk and bulkhead lights.

But, when I examined the model using ($$) 3DOC, listing which parts called what, I realised I might have a problem.

The luminaire panels'' mesh were combined with wall and ceiling cable ducts. Dialled to ''super-ambient'', all would glow. I''d have to mask. Remember the struggle I had mapping those ''MLP'' eyes ? This was worse...

The modular nature of these RE2 OBJ files meant I could copy/paste this part out as a stand-alone OBJ using the same material. Sadly, the best mask I could contrive ''leaked'' unacceptably. I tried a dozen different ways in following days, could not craft an edited version with separated lights and ducting that still took the set texture. And, no, I really do not know why.

I thought to make ''faux'' panels to fit underneath the real ones, supply the lighting. Didn''t work...

Back-tracking, I had another try at editing the lights + ducts mesh. After trying my suite of free or budget 3D editors, I accidentally found how to select and delete vertices etc in Blender. (BFA fork)

With all but the luminaire panels deleted, I re-saved. Then, using free Notepad''s ''search/replace-all tool'' I tweaked these luminaires'' Y-coordinates so they''d be just underneath the originals.

Main and new ''panels'' OBJs loaded at ~30% original scale. I had to align the ''panels'' by eye. Although they were the correct size, their XYZ origin was off. Not a big problem...

With desk, bulkhead and my new panel lights all dialled to ''super-ambient'', I made the room door transparent to get a good view, turned off Poser ''set'' lights, did a trial render. Looked good. Sent a full render to ''Box''...

To summarise, I''ve learned how to ''rip'' portions of these modular RE2 OBJs to become ''stand-alone'', and also how to trim away extraneous parts in Blender (BFA fork).

I''ve a different angle rendering, I''ll post in comments.

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ROOM219 - Cell Block Hallway
Room 115 STARS office
Room 10 D hallway
RE2 Room 213 B1 Boiler room

Poster Message
 20 Jul 2021 20:25
And the 'over the shoulder' angle. All lighting from 'super-ambient' set luminaires. Note ceiling pendant panels were 'ripped' to stand-alone to solve for those troublesome ducts...

This render is Superfly, 96 pixel samples, progressive, 64 vol-bounces, 64 buckets. Took 'Box' ~75 mins, a few minutes faster than expected as had cached all the texture files from first angle.


 22 Jul 2021 16:54
Great work and rendering.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 22 Jul 2021 17:26
Wow, yes, this looks amazing! Very nicely done Sir !

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