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Kye - Far From Tandarben

Poster: JanReinar
Image: Kye - Far From Tandarben
Image Details: ID: 7650 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1000 x 1000 (313KB)
Posted: 15 Jul 2014 17:35
Views: 89
Pic Description: Rolan - I should not have let her come along sir! Not only armed with this Terran ancient artifact!

Leiter - The Terran distribute these weapons to their colonists because ... ...Well kid... as the battery that is keeping your warm this ultra modern power rifle over you''ll want a ancient artifact like this for you too!

Kye - There were more AKs in the station!

Leiter - We''re going back there!

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Kye - Far From Tandarben
_ New Character -

Poster Message
 15 Jul 2014 18:10
The girl got style, and sense, a killer combination for sure.

Great scene, and character work as always JR.

Like the snowflake on her nose, cute.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 15 Jul 2014 19:17
Last weekend at their request, I took my daughter 'And her boyfriend 'to the same place I took Tormie and `also to learn -the AK-47. After a full day of instruction, they both can use it to full effect. 'Although loading the DRUM Magazines, takes practice, a WOMAN with 'That in her hands... is enough to frighten - ANYONE.
_ I won't BE around ... so it's time for them to become adults.

I was more.. than a little suprised.. when he went to his knees, and asked my permission, to marry my daughter.
( The Boy's - Got Guts )
Obviously... This led to... - a rather LONG discussion

He'd 'Better... make it `through Medical School...

 15 Jul 2014 21:04
Looks really cold there. I love the colors and background!! Well done Johnny!

I am smiling.
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