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Teddybear of Broken Friendship

Poster: Deviant_Viking
Image: Teddybear of Broken Friendship
Image Details: ID: 303 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1024 x 768 (351KB)
Posted: 20 Aug 2003 19:00
Views: 119
Pic Description: "I gave you a teddybear. A token of our friendship, which I hoped would last forever.
Instead, our friendship died soon afterwards..
What happened to that teddybear? Did you throw him away?
Or do you keep it close, missing me.. as I miss you?"


Real story.. real question.. one of mine...

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Poster Message
 20 Aug 2003 21:07
I burnt all of my ex-grilfriends (I didn't burnt *them*...), those pieces of memory can only hurt you.

You can be sure of one thing: Your ex have another boyfriend, your teddybear is only a war plunder for her. The solution for you is only one: sex, a lot of sex, sex all the time, after 5 of 6 more gilrs all will go in the right perspective and your actual mood will come back only in your nightmares. Stay far away from that girl and have SEX. You're too young to miss your (sex) time in this kind of craps, and these are not times of endless love. One alternative is to lose a lot of time thinking at her with depression etc. , or to buy a gun and go to take back that little bear.

 22 Aug 2003 05:56
I just wuv that teddy bear
Well to put it a bit more in a womans point of view, Tormentor has a point and even though it sounds harsh, to heal you have to sometimes move on. As Tormentor has stated, your young, and you hopefully have a very long life ahead of you, lot's of goodtimes, lot's of heartaches of all kinds, just think of each one as a learning experiance, a memory sweet or sad and take hold of tomorrow because you never know what is beyound the next hill.
Good luck with your move, we'll all be here when you get back

Guilty Pleasures

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 23 Aug 2003 07:20
(Psst... have sex DV, burn the teddybear and have sex)

 28 Aug 2003 06:23
Again so close to my feelings at the moment. I for one am very sentimental and keep things from old relationships to remind me of happy times. But yes it can hurt to do that.

By the way, Tormie is right about one thing.... some gratutious sex can help dull the pain.

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