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The Evil Witch Maudlin.

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: The Evil Witch Maudlin.
Image Details: ID: 8446 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 533 x 651 (147KB)
Posted: 01 Nov 2021 21:42
Views: 40
Pic Description: Haven't posted in a while, so here, enjoy!

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I do not bee-lieve it !!
A touch of Pink...
The Evil Witch Maudlin.
The Willow Maid
Guards ! Guards !!

Poster Message
 02 Nov 2021 00:01
Hello Maelstromme. Good to see you.
Creepy and weird ... I like it

 02 Nov 2021 00:22
Thanks ,Ahjah! Good to be back! I needed to scare the ladies in my runtime. Lol! Seriously, I am trying new methods to make characters. Not everyone is beautiful. Thank you for commenting!

I am smiling.
 02 Nov 2021 01:50
Wondrously unsettling, like a Lovecraftian Rorschach Blot...

FWIW, after a remarkably unpleasant incident (NDA) that I'd handled correctly but left me with ghastly PTSD, my employers referred me to a 'Therapist'. He produced a flash-card like a 'Table Trick', asked what I saw. My instant reply of, 'A Rorschach' made him flinch. Undaunted, he produced another.
"Another Rorschach," I replied.
"But what do you see in it ?"
"Fractal stuff. Kin to Mandelbrot..."
Which, after careful study, he agreed it was. Well, 'Sorta, Kinda'. That I'd nailed it with one (1) glance made him shove the 'deck' into drawer...

As he said, some people look at fluffy clouds and see sheep. Others see cumulo-nimbus.

Over the following sessions, we established that 'Relaxation Tapes' and 'Mindfulness Stuff' were contra-indicated, as I found them exasperating.

What I really, really needed was to talk to some-one who'd comprehend the cruel complexities of that event without either fleeing in horror or hiding under desk and sucking their thumb. Yes, untrained, I'd called it totally, clinically right, but it left a bone-deep 'abscess' on my psyche. Between us, we drained enough woe for the rest to heal...
Upside, each walk back to car-park passed a second-hand book-shop, which I duly trawled...

 02 Nov 2021 03:40
I'm glad you liked it, Nik. It is a bit Lovecraftian now that I look at it. Thank you again for your view and comnent!

I am smiling.
 04 Nov 2021 20:07
Wow! This is creepy interesting! Very nicely done Maelstromme !

 05 Nov 2021 17:24
Appreciate you commenting, rico!

I am smiling.
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