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Gone Fishin

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Gone Fishin
Image Details: ID: 7176 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 978 x 1104 (277KB)
Posted: 27 Feb 2013 19:47
Views: 142
Pic Description: But who is fishing for whom? Dork got a new boat recently but doesn''t know how to sail, so he asked MP to help him take it out into Poser Bay since she knows about such things. Once out to sea, they dropped anchor and went for a swim. Everything was going well until Godzilla''s cousin showed up...

Tools Used: Poser 4, Paint Shop Pro 8.

Constructive criticism is welcomed on any aspect of this image, as I am striving to improve my skills in all areas.

Credits: Poser 4 Nude Woman and Poser 4 Nude Man. Props are all free items: GigaCrescent monster by mightylady and Hirouso; Diving air tanks, harnesses, flippers, and masks from ''Scuba Divers with 2 hose aqualungs mk 3'' by Anthony Appleyard; UpDo hair by Kozaburo; Predator Trident by saphira98; knife by unknown. Underwater effect ''fog'' prop by Anthony Appleyard.

Few settings are more difficult in Poser 4 than an underwater scene, so I decided to try merely for that reason. Much of the trouble is due to P4''s lack of authentic raytracing, which devolves any simulation of density into a bag of tricks.

This is my second attempt. The first scene simulated shallow water and turned out pretty well; though innocuous, it''s not appropriate to post here due to graphic frontal nudity. This one in deeper water was more difficult, and required a more-than-usual amount of postworking even to get to its present condition. A comparison I made to photographic references shows the hues/saturations/lightnesses and highlights depicted are fairly accurate, but I was unable to get both lower contrast and dramatically increased highlighting (both desirable in this case) at the same time without reducing the image to incoherence. One thing to keep in mind when perusing underwater photographs is that they are often illuminated with ugly flourescent lights that multiply the water color-- if attempting natural lighting, you''ll have to cast a wider net to get decent reference images.

Anthony Appleyard has been making underwater and diving related freebie props literally since the dawn of Poser time. He has a prop called ''fog,'' a dense cube of parallel one-sided squares to simulate volumetric effects, that was vital here, and I highly recommend this prop to anyone attempting a similar scene. I found the prop works much better with a texture map, however, than merely with an object color set as recommended in the documentation.

The composition of this image is heavily based on an old Vallejo or Elmore style fantasy painting almost certainly from the late 1970s era. Unfortuantely I know neither the title nor artist of the image that inspired this one (except to say it''s not by Vallejo, Elmore, or Frazetta, as I did make at least some effort to investigate). More than anything else, my impression of the original is that it was meant to be unapologetically lurid-- so I went for that feeling as well. In the original the couple were unarmed, and probably ended up as dinosaur dinner. At least in my version the divers have a fighting chance since I gave them some weapons-- Dork is a master of trident warfare (a fact not many people know about him), and he''s got a hi-tech spear from outer space that shoots giant freakin'' laser beams, so there''s no need to worry (unless you''re one of those ne''er do-wells who root for the monster in these situations).


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The Gods Shadows  X
The Gods Shadows  XI
Gone Fishin
The Gods Shadows  XII
The Gods Shadows XIII

Poster Message
 27 Feb 2013 23:08
Amazing water effect!

Here we go!

 28 Feb 2013 19:12
Great scene, and post work.

Like the perspective, adds to the depth, and the sense of having to deal with what's in front.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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