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Kids do Cosplay-- IO Paladins !!

Poster: Nik
Image: Kids do Cosplay-- IO Paladins !!
Image Details: ID: 8460 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 765 x 641 (51KB)
Posted: 21 Dec 2021 22:01
Views: 34
Pic Description: This cute pair, ported by ''JokerxJester'', popped up as DA freebies in FBX + OBJ/MTL formats...

My initial thought was ,''How badly will Poser break them ?''
First, I checked with the free classic FBX tools, found the textures'' relative paths were good. Kudos to author !!

Also, each figure imported as one (1) single rig, albeit complex, as each included garment or prop seemed to have full sub-rig with same names as base figure...

IIRC, Poser does something similar when you parent clothes or props to a figure...

After a couple of iterations, I found FBX import ''looked right'' at ~150% of original scale. Downside, both figures looked really dark. A glance in ''Material Room'' showed each of their three ''diffuse'' textures had the base-colour showing as a dark hue. Iteration to pale grey or, better, white brought up the mapped textures well. I also changed the ''Highlight'' fields to a pale hue plus its diffuse texture.

Okay, so the figures now looked like their ''product'' pic, but could I pose them ? My initial clicking on arm and twirling parameter dial did not work well. After some experimentation, I found I could select limb part from poser hierarchy and get that limb, rather than a parented accessory.

I must emphasise: Select limb part from rig hierarchy, *not* by clicking on figure. A screen-click seems to grab clothing, which the figure''s limb does not follow correctly. But clothing follows the figure. Logical, if a tad exasperating...

I did a quick, ''local'' 14 pixel-sample Superfly test render, tweaked poses and lighting. Sent 96 pixel-sample render to networked ''Box'', which did the job in just over an hour...

I''m impressed by this author''s work, will check out his other models, report back...
Had to collect parcel from Post depot: Two buses, two trains, four hikes. Detoured on way back via local budget-mall, filled sholley with cat-food, big bag with ''other''. Given I''d done a week''s shopping yesterday, filling sholley with cat-food plus two big bags with ''other'', the check-out ladies raised eye-brows...
\"How many cats ??\"
\"Just three, now, but they eat like a pack of wolves, or a clan of Hobbits...\"
{ Giggles... }

Pictures Navigation
Tsaesci FBX1
The White Witch scene...
Kids do Cosplay-- IO Paladins !!
TCTV Forest Fairy
I wonder if my skates'' key will fit...

Poster Message
 23 Dec 2021 03:59
Now, here's where it gets weird...

I did several test renders, trying to improve on the lighting. Then, without warning, the two FBX figures went totally black in Preview. Their renders were okay, but...

I tried reloading textures, I tried manually changing textures. No, Poser was not having it. Both FBX figures stayed black in preview. LF was okay in Preview, all were okay in local or 'Box' renders, using CPU or GPUs. After doing 'real life' stuff all afternoon, trying new notions as I went past, I thought to save scene as a PZ3, close Poser, load scene.

This worked. Sure, I had to point Poser at first texture for each figure. And I had to faff around with base-colours as described above...

Between braving the sleet to empty bins, change cat-litter and put last cards through neighbours' doors, I'd converted a nice 'Jeep' that showed up on DA's freebies.
This was in 'SFM' format, for which I used free Noesis to extract textures and mesh. As Noesis does not pair-up textures to mesh parts, I was glad to find there were only three, a 'windscreen' and optional desert or jungle paint-jobs.

Took me a couple of minutes more with free Irfan View to adapt a copy of Jeep's desert texture as an ambiance mask for front and side-lights. My first test-render was far too bright, 'bleached'. Half a dozen test-renders later, I got to...


I've another, longer, 'Box' render running with LF dressed to sorta match the Jeep. The 'combats' set of vest+pants plus boots came from Rendo, but were not free, so I'll not link to them.

 23 Dec 2021 13:11
96 pixel-samples 'Box' job ran ~ 7 hours due complexity, mostly overnight...

I used free Irfan View to grab hue of part of jeep's paint-job, applied it to LaF's outfit.

Got this...


 24 Dec 2021 12:51
Thank you kindly Nik, much appreciated Sir !

A bus & train to post depot, that's some distance, could it not wait until it arrived at the local post office ?

 24 Dec 2021 14:43
I could ask for re-delivery, chances are they'd miss me again. They cannot do 'Post Restante' as the most convenient PO for me is inside that 'budget mall', which is in next postal district. They cannot route between local districts without an absurd amount of admin per parcel. Worse, item would have to go back to 'Regional' depot, linger there for a while...
{ Shakes head... }

Upside, it was a nice day for mid-December. Just above freezing, but dry, dry, dry. No Atlantic storm !! And, as within city, I could ride free on my 'travel pass'. Services are hanging on despite crews beset by Covid. Typically 15~~20 min frequency, but I was lucky, caught 3/4 under 5 mins...

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