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Posette in Purple Room (nsfw)

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Posette in Purple Room (nsfw)
Image Details: ID: 5442 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 890 x 753 (285KB)
Posted: 13 Jul 2009 18:13
Views: 201
Pic Description: Posette is always full of surprises. When she said she wanted to try out her new dining room table, I thought she meant she was going to cook a nice meal to sit down and enjoy. Instead she was cooking up something else...

Rendered in Poser 4 with postwork in Paint Shop Pro 8 (fixed stray pixels, adjusted contrast and color saturation).

As I am striving to improve my skill levels, constructive criticism about any aspect of this image is welcomed.

I''m still ironing out my ''Buffy 2'' character and my P4NW bump map, so the main purpose of this image was to explore both of those. I also like this dining table I downloaded recently as it''s the first nice-looking freebie table I''ve come across in years, and I want to find uses for it (why do so many modelers continue to churn out chairs, when hardly any decent tables are available?). I also did my postwork color adjustments differently than usual for this image, but I haven''t yet decided whether I like the final result better compared to my normal way. Basically I''m concerned that some of my recent images have been looking more ''Poser-ish'' than before, which for me is the wrong direction. I first postworked it my normal way and compared to that I think Posette looks better in this alternate version, but more steps and some tedious masking were required to get the overall saturation to lightness balance acceptable and some detail was lost (adios, bump map effects). Some of the props, especially the chairs, still don''t look the way I want so there''s obviously a lot of room for refinement. Another issue is that some might think it''s boring that I frequently reuse the same props in many images (especially the cabinet with the vases and the smoking paraphernelia) but the main reason I do this is to track how things look under different lighting and postwork techniques.

Credits (all free items):

Posette skin textures by me; Kyoko Hair Mk3 and texture by Kozaburo.
My own textures: Wall with window and over-curtain by John Stallings; undercurtains by Zippo; Gold Table by L. Verrina; Cabinet with Doors by Keyslayer; Wedding Ring by Willjen.
Original Textures: Wheelback Chairs by Tony Lynch; Globe by Avalontree; Basket by Gerald Day; Turquoise Vase by Sue88; Cigarette by Nerd3D; Oil Lighter by Zippo; Pack of Smokes by Mayze; Ashtray by FastTraxx; Wine Bottle by TrekkieGrrrl.
Outdoor trees background by HoboBo.
''Photos'' and frames by me; carpet texture based on a pattern by unknown; curtain textures based on a pattern by Avalontree.

Pictures Navigation
Curviness 070909
Nova Test
Posette in Purple Room (nsfw)
Untitled 071109a
Sunny Day Posette (nsfw)

Poster Message
 13 Jul 2009 21:10
great scene... the details are very accurate!!!

 14 Jul 2009 10:34
the look on grandma's face going into the dinning room to set the table for sunday dinner.
the look on grandpa's face !

great job!

 14 Jul 2009 13:26
The shadows are perfect!

Here we go!

 14 Jul 2009 14:56
-do things -like that— really happen ?

 15 Jul 2009 15:25
Great scene; excellent pose!!

I like your new "postwork"; I think that with a few adjustments, you will be able to maintain the amount of detail that you desire.

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 07 Jun 2010 19:36
Posey can't be improved....
I love the transparency 'of that curtain....

Hey the only thing— I'd change
would be the Carpet.....

BUt you still get ' 9 -1/2 Gold stars
for this one...

 20 Nov 2012 10:07
hmmm nice!

"the brite good morning voice, whose heard but never seen"
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