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Park path by night: 99pixel Superfly render

Poster: Nik
Image: Park path by night: 99pixel Superfly render
Image Details: ID: 8336 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1089 x 572 (45KB)
Posted: 23 May 2020 22:51
Views: 104
Pic Description:

When I saw this *free* park path set, I realised I should be able to light those lamps in my PoserPro 11 with ''super ambience'', then render with Superfly. Exporting to OBJ/MTL was the easy part. I imported to Poser at ~3500% of standard figure, but it might better scale at ~3250%. Flipped upright, loaded textures etc. Rendered a few small test-scenes, then applied super-ambience.

I then had a struggle as Poser would not render full scene, kept giving a blank screen. This is a known Superfly problem, set me to search for solutions. By trial and error, I found the biggest scene it would tolerate. Also, Google found a mention that you must enable SCUDA on your GPU card(s) to use such effectively. There are RegEdit fixes, but my nvidia control panel simply let me toggle the option on. Note that it only knew of P7 in ''individual'' program settings. Rather than take a chance, I enabled via ''global''.

As both my GTX 750 Ti cards had 640 cores each, I dialled Superfly up to 1200 ''Buckets''. This left a few cores for the rest of the PC, giving the UI an acceptable lag. Progressive render speed was greatly improved by invoking GPU cards correctly.

After a diversion due to PPro (x64) running out of work-space despite ~20 GB RAM free, so needing its caches etc purging, I did a succession of trial renders with three, two, one then no Poser light. At each stage, acceptable renders needed more and more Superfly ''pixels''.

This render has *only* those super-ambient street lights for illumination, required 99 pixels, but even has shadows beneath the benches...

I''ll do a really long, ''hundreds of pixels'' render overnight, see how it looks.

Pictures Navigation
First, I cannot find the light switch. Now, I''m getting a tan !!
Kids do Cosplay.
Park path by night: 99pixel Superfly render
I''m going to kill my agent...

Poster Message
 24 May 2020 19:52
Good to see you're getting to grips with your set up.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 24 May 2020 21:12
Curious to see what my CAD-Tower could do if pushed to limit, I set a totally silly pixels samples count (400), let Superfly render into the night...


By breakfast, I reckoned it was doing ~10k sample paths per hour.

It finished mid-evening, having done 160k sample paths in ~16 hours. (Scroll right...)


Upside, I'm seriously impressed by the delicate, complex shadows cast by the super-ambient lamps. There are other street lamps off-screen, I don't know if they got involved.

Downside, PoserPro 'Trash Collection' stinks. At end of run, PPro managed to lose all my carefully applied textures. Close & restart required to get everything working...

Next, I've been given a link to a *free* Superfly test scene, a PZ3 by Raven.

I've been told GPU renders should only have a 'few' buckets, 24~36. I've been told I should have as many as possible. I've seen a suggestion the number should be highest available 2^n which, in my case, would be 1024 rather than guessed 1200. Or 512, as only calling one of my two cards, despite both being allocated ??

We'll see...

 25 May 2020 19:51
That free test scene (above) has problems because PP11 + PP11.2 seem to have many small folder-tree differences from 11.3, and a lot of material is now held in zipped legacy files. As a result, I spent a long time tracking down missing OBJ and texture files...

Still missing a few !!

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