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Poster: TdaC
Image: Empty
Image Details: ID: 2770 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 900 x 900 (161KB)
Posted: 11 Sep 2005 16:57
Views: 146
Pic Description: and sad.
A couple of days ago i lost my grandfather. He passed away peacefully in his sleep. He was 94 years old, and his mind and body was healthy. He still lived life the way he wanted to and was still driving. Just a week earlier he got himself a new mobile phone. He still lived in his house and the evening before, he spend with a friend, the lady nextdoor. She was the only who found him the next day.

My grandfather was a great man and it is so empty here without him. He was creative and used to paint and build minitures of buildings, ships & furniture. The day before his death he finished a miniture village for my little cousin.

I've been playing with poser, but even my poserfaeires are sad.

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Alone in the dark
THe mother
house model in Bryce
house model in Bryce

Poster Message
 11 Sep 2005 18:14
Yeah. I'm sorry to hear about that

 11 Sep 2005 19:55
He sounded like a remarkable man - and that we should all be that active in our later lives. Your art reflects that loss . . .

[font=Comic Sans MS:41082e03eb][size=18:41082e03eb][i:41082e03eb][color=green:41082e03eb]GOJIRA[/color:41082e03eb][/i:41082e03eb][/size:41082e03eb][/font:41082e03eb]

 11 Sep 2005 23:45

 12 Sep 2005 01:30
I am also sorry for your grandfather By I think that now he is looking to you with pride and joy!

Here we go!

 12 Sep 2005 06:28
Yes we talked about this. I am truly sorry and the picture here is of very personal feelings. It is one of your best because it is a time where it comes from the heart. Beleave it or not it is one you will look back on and see a moment in time. Bless you Thilda and your family.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 12 Sep 2005 10:54
I am sorry to hear about your loss Thilda. He sounded like a very good man, one that you are very proud of and I am sure that he is proud of you.


The bananas rock once more.
 13 Sep 2005 14:27
I too am sorry to hear about your grandfather, but you carry him with you always in your heart....the emptiness will pass as will the pain and you will be able to remember all the beautiful and wonderful things that he did with fondness and happiness

Imagination is where you let the real you run wild....
 23 Sep 2005 11:49
So sorry to hear about your loss
The pic reflects that feeling very well

 25 Nov 2005 03:29
This is a great tribute to some one who sounds like a wonderful man.


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