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Poster: Maelstromme
Image: GoldenBelle
Image Details: ID: 6101 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 790 x 534 (406KB)
Posted: 17 Dec 2010 19:06
Views: 140
Pic Description: Just some play with a new dress I downloaded. Very stoybookish here. I hope you enjoy it!

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Poster Message
 17 Dec 2010 19:35
Its not just the dress. It is everything you did with this. The characters is really a beauty and to get the flesh-tones to blend with the colors are really good. A real nice render. It all works. Very nice.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 17 Dec 2010 20:22
The ROOM— is great...
Granted— maybe...
to have her- facial expression whilewaltzing
with the Hygeine—challanged... Train Driver.....
who'd downed -probally `a LITTER of EGGnog -earlier...

 17 Dec 2010 20:29
Thanks for the comment Kenny! This one took several days to get a decent render. I kept suffering with what I call *blank out syndrome*.....this is when you are working with your models and your entire Poser screen goes blank and wont render for beans The dress and model would not show up at all. Thusly, you have to delete what you saved and start all over again from scratch. After several attempts, I was able to get it to work for me successfully. The model here is Posette. I made her very tall and slender here so that the Vicky 2 dress would fit her. The dress is a freebie I found on Renderosity for Vicky2 by Electronica Fashions. The rest was bringing colors in from the background, which is actually a real photo of an antebellum ballroom. I am glad you enjoyed my attempt and thanks for viewing!

Model: P4 Marielle from Magicalmoon. (I use this model alot in my renders because it has morphs in the body as well to make her slender and tiny, but not anorexic.)

Dress: V2 Ballgown/Wedding Dress from Electronica Fashions.

Face morphs: Mara by 3Dream Studios, Tara by Hackworthless, Omphale by JanRenard used in varibles untill I got the look I wanted.

Skin Texture: Palegal by Happyworldland. (Ahjah was kind enough to repost them here on the site. They are some of the best Posette skins out there.)

Lighting: Bahiya Lights

Hair: Klingon Female Hair by Mylochka. (Odd choice I know, but with the blond texture and all the pretty braids and curls it looked wonderful here, so I made it work!)

Thanks again for viewing!

I am smiling.
 17 Dec 2010 20:36
Erm....Ok leahman....Thanks for viewing....I think?

I am smiling.
 17 Dec 2010 22:14
Great work! The model and the background match together with a amazing effect! I !

Here we go!

 17 Dec 2010 22:36
Thanks Johnny! I am glad you enjoyed it!

I am smiling.
 10 Sep 2012 14:54
A really nice classy look with this one.

My Dorks' just don't have the good breeding to get near her... but they'll try!

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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