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the last one?

Poster: Wheelchair
Image: the last one?
Image Details: ID: 3218 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1200 x 800 (233KB)
Posted: 13 Jan 2006 06:56
Views: 119
Pic Description: I don't usually say much re politics or hot issues but I can't let this stay inside me. I feel a great sadness that we are approaching a time that many of earth's wonderful creatures may pass to extinction. I ask only this, what makes the human creature so much better then any another creature that we have pushed so many to the edge of extinction?

But yet we still deny that nothing is wrong or global warning has nothing to do with us. And what is saddest of all is we may not have ability to stop what we have started. It may be to late already.

Here is a article re the Polar Bear's struggle.

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Poster Message
 13 Jan 2006 11:06
I don't have to say a thing. It all speaks for itself. I agree 110% with this. The future really has screwed things up. Great and powerful work my friend.I will not put any claps or Icons here. For it needs to be open and in thought.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 13 Jan 2006 11:42
I agree too!!! , the state near mine is having an isue with Uruguay because this last one want to put some contaminant factories in tho oposite side of the Uruguay river, Entre Rios (the argentinian state) has been allways very careful about ecology and it's politic tend to care this and turism more than industrial, not need to say Entre Rios is a very beautiful state, the problem here is the risc of contamination of a very beautiful ecosistem, re risc to loose turims, does Uruguay has the right to do this, even it's in it's own territory?, unfortunately I think the factories will be set there, but isn't it a question of common scence? why don't they put this factory near Punta del Este? (Uruguay turistic place for excelence). I think progress is important, but why in this place?

 13 Jan 2006 12:12
I must agree with my friends wise words! A great picture for a great cause Harold!

Here we go!

 14 Jan 2006 04:48
Inspiring and soo original! Really a great work!

 16 Jan 2006 08:11

"the brite good morning voice, whose heard but never seen"
 30 Mar 2008 21:10
Nice render !
• We aren't supposed to talk Politics -here.

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