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Audrey's Bedroom

Poster: duttond
Image: Audrey's Bedroom
Image Details: ID: 3846 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 960 x 1280 (360KB)
Posted: 07 Sep 2006 10:52
Views: 126
Pic Description: Audrey relaxing after her shower while awaiting her next adventure. (Results of a wrap-around tutorial.)

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Audrey's Bedroom
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Poster Message
 08 Sep 2006 16:44
you should even try to use dynamic dresses on the wrap and see what happens

 08 Sep 2006 16:47
I don't get you?

wrap a dynamic dress? fit a dynamic dress over the wrap around towel?

I've already done some of the shrink-wrap type clothes like those from PhilC.

Theoros Dennis
 08 Sep 2006 22:38
What I mean is to convert the wrap to a dynamic dress... Don't know about PhilC

 11 Sep 2006 11:10
Ah...I'll consider that. The biggest problem I have with clothing is finding the correct models since I'm currently barely a novice at making models. For my role playing game I need models to cover specific areas and I prefer the result to look reasonably Medieval. I can buy models but with $20 here, and $20 there, it quickly adds up to more than I'm willing to pay for a hobby.

I couldn't find the original PhilC tutorial that I mentioned but here's a similar one...

Theoros Dennis
 11 Sep 2006 21:27
I don't know what kind of Poser you have,however there is a tutorial on dynamic dress by rayera if I'm not wrong, it's in the forum. With dynamic dresses you can adapt the dress to the model even if the dress is not made specifically for the model, in my last pictures I use a dynamic dress for Posy , made for Judy or vicky, it doesn't matter.

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