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The Softer Side

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: The Softer Side
Image Details: ID: 7517 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 640 x 957 (141KB)
Posted: 11 Feb 2014 22:45
Views: 120
Pic Description: I was busily working on my dress styles with some of my models when I saw her looking a bit forlornly inside my shop through the main window. Dressed in her fatigues, weapons holstered, she looked a bit lost as she gazed at all the dresses I had to offer.

With a knowing smile, I waved her inside and had her join me for a cup of coffee as it was cold out. We talked for a bit she and I.

You have quite the reputation here, Mael. She said to me.

Oh? I take it as a compliment you have heard of me then, Hasle dear! I replied.

She then lowered her head some, tucking an errant strand of hair behind one of her ears before she continued

Thing is, I'm a blue jean, T-shirt, AK-47 type of woman. I doubt if you have anything in your shop that could work its magic on me.

I smiled warmly and rose, gently walking behind her and taking her arm, leading her to the dressing rooms.

I accept your challenge! I said merrily.

Wait, erm I didn't say.... She stammered as I walked with her.

Oh come on, try it. No one likes a coward! I said playfully.

With that said, she steeled herself and walked straight into the dressing room.

Let's suit up! I fear nothing......

The rest is Maelstromme fabulous history!

Pictures Navigation
Fantasy Trail - Detail
Ditra - Fantasy Outfit
The Softer Side
Rachel - Evening
The Blue Lady

Poster Message
 12 Feb 2014 16:39
I the dress! Great story too!

Here we go!

 12 Feb 2014 19:35
I'm glad you liked it Johnny!

I am smiling.
 12 Feb 2014 20:23
An amazing transformation, for an amazing character.

Great work, and sweet render.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 12 Feb 2014 23:37
Thank you Amish. Hasle is a beautiful character, I just put my own spin on her. She turned out really well!

I am smiling.
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