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The Cowboy Closeup (for Pitklad)

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: The Cowboy Closeup (for Pitklad)
Image Details: ID: 7757 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 440 x 646 (12KB)
Posted: 14 Dec 2014 18:04
Views: 133
Pic Description: A cameo of the cowboy piece I did earlier. Enjoy!

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Jareth and Shiera
Jareth and Shiera II
The Cowboy Closeup (for Pitklad)
Garth and Teri II
Teri - Character Study

Poster Message
 14 Dec 2014 18:24
Fantastic job! The eyes are incredible! An his expression that You are on my table! It amazing!

Here we go!

 15 Dec 2014 00:53
Glad you like it Johnny, I hope Pitklad does as well!

I am smiling.
 15 Dec 2014 10:10
The whole character setup is supreme!
Thank you so much for the close up!

Alternative Thinking
 15 Dec 2014 18:36
He's very unique, and has the full attention of the girls in my Runtime.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 17 Dec 2014 04:54
Thank you Pitklad, I am glad my attempts made you smile!

I am also glad your girls like him as well, Amish! I was going for a tall, rangy fellow when I created him. I thought he was unusual as well when I got done with him and created this piece. I had just as much fun using Nea to make the saloon girl as a counterpart, I am still working on a female card dealer too, but still working out the details on how I want her to look. Anyway, thanks for both of you taking the time to view and comment it is always appreciated!

I am smiling.
 17 Dec 2014 18:02
They want to hear him singing, crooning.... away!

That should raise their pulses.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 21 Dec 2014 00:27
Singing cowboy eh? Will see what I can do!

I am smiling.
 21 Dec 2014 23:03
Domus is the best Dork based figure, I think.
PitKlad made a hell of a job. And so did you. The colors and lights blend perfectly and make the eyes stab you...
A little scary, reminds me of Yul Brynner in "Future World"

 21 Dec 2014 23:45
Sweet of you to say Andreas, thank you!

I am smiling.
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