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S:IM - Shinsha FBX/XPS Pack All three

Poster: Nik
Image: S:IM - Shinsha FBX/XPS Pack All three
Image Details: ID: 8518 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1089 x 572 (92KB)
Posted: 04 Jun 2022 05:03
Views: 34
Pic Description: These are free S:IM - Shinsha FBX/XPS Pack by Mimicosss

Import each to Poser at ~125% original, textures auto-load.

Figure will be upside down with several sub-rigs. But, *before* you zero rotations / zero figure to flip upright, a precaution.

If more than one FBX planned, use poser hierarchy to rename sub-rigs. eg default''s maskmesh to maskmeshdef, bodymesh to bodymeshdef etc.

If you don''t, the next figure has the same sub-rig names, may crash Poser.

May now be posed with care using *first* of listed sub-rigs, eg default''s being maskmesh, or now maskmeshdef. The others and clothes follow along.

Pink''s is bodymesh, now bodymeshpink. Wedding is skirtmesh, now skirtmeshwed.

No use making their masks transparent, still show. Use Poser properties to make invisible.

But you''ll still have to pose the default figure using that now invisible rig...

The bouquet ''handle'' may take some finding, but is BouquetRoot_Equipment_A. Use translate & rotate dials to lift it from floor to her hand...

Scene needs lots of light to bring up the colour.

Pictures Navigation
Remember Baya #3
Weaver of Stars
S:IM - Shinsha FBX/XPS Pack All three
DR Archer Christmas
Remember Baya #5

Poster Message
 04 Jun 2022 20:04
They are all really sweet! Are they hard to lose or put in a scene?

I am smiling.
 05 Jun 2022 02:46
Provided you take precautions of re-naming sub-rigs, and warily positioning / posing via the 'parent' sub-rig as described above, they are mostly-biddable.

Like many other 'ported' FBX figures, their rigs / sub-rigs do not have joint limits set as-is, so may be bent without 'anatomical' limits. Can take a bit of 'trial & error' to figure which sub-rig and xyz dial is appropriate for a joint.

Especially for clothing, if you want to drape it independently of the body...

The figures have expressions, but I did not get around to tweaking those...

Unlike the OBJ importer, there's no 'offset' or on-floor option for FBX, all land where they please. These arrive at 0/0/0, but upside down. So, first, move any default Poser scene figure out of the way. Import FBX. Takes a few seconds for mesh to load, rig(s) to assemble, texture(s) to auto-apply. Speed varies per complexity and PC resource, some high-poly, multi-sub-rig FBX may take a minute or two. Or longer. Now you can use hierarchy window to re-name these sub-rigs. Back in scene view, select the 'parent' sub-rig, use Poser figure zero options to flip upright, then 'body' / 'body-part' dials to position and pose.

Sorry, there's a bit of a learning curve...

Never mind which sub-rig is the 'parent', Poser will, almost mischievously, switch to one of the others if you lower your guard. So, if you dial / drag pose eg shoulder / upper-arm okay, click on the fore-arm but it writhes like a tentacle, yeah, Poser switched to that sub-rig when you blinked...

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