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On a dark desert highway...

Poster: Nik
Image: On a dark desert highway...
Image Details: ID: 8523 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1520 x 571 (69KB)
Posted: 16 Jun 2022 23:05
Views: 31
Pic Description: This is ''Abandoned Bistro'', ported from ''Sims 3'' to XPS by aleksiszet.

The XPS version was old enough for my ($$) 3DOC to read, export to OBJ+MTL. The sign''s text was Cyrillic. I tried to just over-write the mapped texture, could not get the spacing correct. Happily, 3DOC''s UV-Mapper managed to untangle that part into seven adjacent squares, one for each letter. I did not attempt to match the ornate font, but used free Irfan View to insert a big ''Bold'' Arial character in each box. (Rotate image left, insert horizontally, rotate image right.)

Though the model looked okay in 3DOC, it spawned a bunch of triangular ''artifacts'' when imported to Poser. So, ''Plan_B'': I copied the model folder to XNA/Lara''s data folder, opened in XNA/Lara, exported via ''Modify'' menu as OBJ+MTL. To my surprise, this also had those ''artifacts''. After some trial & error, I found they were all ''Material #6'', which could be made invisible without hurting rest of model. So, I went back to the 3DOC OBJ...

My first render had a ''Land Rover'' of ancient provenance: It had 3DS (!!) as well as OBJ+MTL and, IIRC, I''d used it in Poser_4. It was okay in day-light but, as soon as I tried to light its head-lamps, weirdness. Parts of the vehicle became invisible. ''Force show Back-Facing Polys'' made those visible, hid others.

Eventually, I cut my losses and imported this jeep. I''d used it about six months ago, so my ''ambient mask'' for the lights was ready to load...
( Ported from SFM, Team Fortress, Enhanced Jeep (Mutt): I took a guess at the scaling... )

Rendered in Superfly, progressive, 48 pixel-samples, 1024 vols & buckets, using both GPU cards, while I made and ate ham sandwiches, gave the scraps to our cats.
1) Title from unsettling opening lyrics of truly bizarre ''Hotel California'' by ''The Eagles'': WTF were they smoking ??
2) XNA/Lara ''modify'' menu also has option to export as generic.mesh / generic.mesh.ascii. Free Noesis can read the .ascii format, export as FBX complete with ''bones''. This is a real-neat method to get rigged XPS figures into Poser. Sadly, what Poser then does with the FBX rig ranges from ''Yay !!'' to ''Splat''. If you''re lucky, the first sub-rig of the 10~~20 is ''master'', allows figure posing within wary limits...

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''Sit ? Stay ??''
A study in Yellow.
On a dark desert highway...
Where is everybody ?
Playing with Baya

Poster Message
 16 Jun 2022 23:12
And the reverse angle...


 19 Jun 2022 04:19
A really good place for models is Sketchfab. It is now owned by Epic Games and most things there (literally tens of thousands) of models are free as long as you give credit to the maker of the model. It costs nothing to join. You name it, it's there. Epic games wants people to be creative and some of the best models you've ever seen are over there. Do a search for what you want.

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