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First Kiss?

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: First Kiss?
Image Details: ID: 6337 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 720 x 568 (393KB)
Posted: 12 May 2011 07:25
Views: 184
Pic Description: I was reading through the mass of Star Trek trivia on the internet when I found one site that stated that the first interacial kiss was between Uhura and Captian Kirk. I went back and watched that episode on youtube and found it to be so boring, underdone, and overrated that as a good fan-fiction writer and artist, I HAD TO DO SOMETHING MINDBOGGLINGLY DRASTIC!!!!! (at least I think it's drastic anyway! :P) So I came up with this artwork in avant garde 60s style.....It probably would have given the fans one hellova thrill and the network people a major heart attack back in the 60s, but hey, it sure beats the other one by leaps and bounds! I hope you all enjoy it!

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First Kiss?
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Poster Message
 12 May 2011 18:17
Great work with the pose! The outfits are amazing too! The and background is special it seems they are really the shoreline!

Here we go!

 12 May 2011 18:48
Very passionate.

I feel like I'm intruding (Chromium stares down at his belly button)

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 12 May 2011 19:19
Excellant Poses

— But I guss, I just I don't understand....

-Captain Kirk and Uhura, are Both— from earth...

As the Story -goes, Vulcans had been visiting Earth
for two centuries, before Captain Kirk....

On -ENTERPRISE— a century earlier, there were plenty
of kisses `AND even Sex —with `that `Vulcan 'First officer...

Granted— there are `FIVE -television series— and
almost- a dozen movies, and it's not easy to piece
together `the History of space travel— as told
-on Star Trek....

Gene Roddenberry— was More `Concerned— with his agenda
that 'keeping -his Story -straight...
for *eample, that Movie
where Captain Kirk— SAVES `THE Whales....

Oh, please....
....give -me a break....
( I rest my Case)

Still— your buildings -LOOK like `what was shown— on planet Vulcan
Isn't— that SPOCK -she's kissing ?

...BTW, to any Vulcan, all Humans, smell
like Tormie's farts...

You've even— got the low-hanging fog— -because Vulcan
is a VERY -Hot place !

 12 May 2011 21:59
I am glad you all enjoyed this one, first of all. I wanted it to have the feel of true passion. I picked a whole different camera angle than I normally use. I have come to find out that Right and Left hand cameras make a real dandy angled shot, like this one!

The models are P4 Domus and Posette, with some Star Trek face morphs I have found online made a while back by Mylochka, which greatly helped in this peice. I really do like the Domus model. You can morph the eyes and head any way you wish, the ears also. There has been extensive work in the body of the model as well. I was able to come up with a believable version of Spock using Pitklad's workable P4 man. My model of choice for Uhura was also a nice internet find by an artist called MagicalMoon. I started with the Melody model and worked the morphs on her face to suit the look I wanted for Nyota. The pose itself is a modified version of a GeraldDay pose I aquired some time back, which I worked into a softer, more realistic workup that you see here.

I found the background online a very long time ago and I am not sure who made it intitally anymore, but as I was toying around to find the right backdrop for my couple, this one fit perfectly with the lighting I was using as well. I wanted the viewer to feel like they were standing in the water itself, some smoky, private ancestral land on Vulcan. I also wanted the viewer to feel like the couple was enjoying themselves and that you were secretly made known of their passion. Like you were either a passerby or intruding like Chromium had stated in his comment.

Lastly, I am not sure how humans smell to Vulcans, but I do know this. Sarek did not seem to have a problem with the way Amanda smelled and, in this case, I think Spock here is enjoying Nyotas *brand* quite well! hehehe!

Models: Pitklads Domus and P4 Melody by Magicalmoon.

Clothing: A nice assortment of P4 and Vicky/Michael clothing I found on Share CG and Runtime DNA, which I re-txtured myself.

Hair: Both Hair items are made by the wondeful and talented Mylochka along with using Morpographys's Flo Hair to make the look for Nyotas style longer, but still recognizable.

Background: Wish I knew who did it, but unknown artist that I give credit to anyway!

Lighting: Bahiya Lights

Thanks again for the viewing !!

I am smiling.
 03 Jun 2011 14:50
Another twist. The Science Officer gets the girl. Boy is the Captain going to be pissed.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 05 Jun 2011 16:27
Pffft! Captian Shmaptan! It's the quiet, logical ones who state they don't mate but once every seven years that you have to watch you know! Besides, he was probably busy discussing *Coffee Time* with Rand! Stay Tuned and thanks for viewing!

I am smiling.
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