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Poster: ahjah
Image: 8 Minutes
Image Details: ID: 6592 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 614 x 914 (149KB)
Posted: 06 Nov 2011 18:24
Views: 113
Pic Description: Here''s a special treat about lighting :D
This portrait of my ''62 Höfner Guitar was shot ISO 100, F27, 8 minutes exposure (!). Only light source was my LED desktop lamp directed to the opposite wall...
Notice, there are almost no shadows

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The King
8 Minutes
R U Nuts?!?

Poster Message
 06 Nov 2011 19:18
You need to sit out of view showing yourself in the reflection of the guitar. Nice Hofner by the way. Does it play well?

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 06 Nov 2011 19:28
What you can see in the reflection isn't me, I wasn't even in the room most of the time.
You can see the opposite wall with my bed in front of it, the white spots are from a newspaper lying on the pillow. With such a long exposure you won't see anything in motion (I walked through the pic several times here...)
The guitar is amazing, really one of a kind. Who would have thought, the perfect blues guitar was build in Germany in the early sixties ?

 07 Nov 2011 03:34
-I was Learning to play, when was being made...
but my memories, of guitars, of that Time...
isn't favorable.
The frets -weren't Cut — by a computer aided Laser
like they are -today, and the distances... were approximate...
leaving the majority of them -Almost unplayable
above the 5th fret ... (Even Gibsons)
`Since there was `no way `to set the Intonation...
that only made the problem -worse.
I grew Frustrated— and talked the problem over
with my uncle, a Dentist, who's hobby `was to build `VERY
detailed model ships, of wood. after a couple of tries—
he managed to make a fret board, that was close to correct
and managed to install `intonation adjustments on my Melody-Maker
from a stratocaster. He came up `with a Leslie Speaker Cabinet
(JBL-15") from an Organ, and installed the Ampiflier, from a Vox
`Cambridge Reverb, into the top -of the Cabinet.
Together `these modification— improved the sound, where my playing
was actually ALLOWED -(occasionally) in the House, instead being
restricted -to the BASEMENT.
- My father only allowed my guitar,`AS LONG
as I continued -those Piano lessons. Anyway... I learned— more instruments
in later years, and the Melody-Maker... died -back in the 70s.

Good Time release Photo. Try it with lasers!

 07 Nov 2011 09:01
Yeah, I know what you mean about the frets, but it's pretty o.k. on this one for the lower octave.
The 13th fret is too high (you can even see it on this pic if you got an eye for it) and above the 19th fret it isn't too good, either, but I don't play much cords up there, so it's all right with me
The intonation is adjustet by single pieces of fret-wire that can be changed into four different nuts in the bridge that is loose itself, only held by the strings. This works astonishingly good
It's the same system as on Paul McCartney's famous Höfner Violin bass, that was build around the same time as this guitar. Even got the same finish (from the same can, maybe )

 07 Nov 2011 10:14

Here we go!

 07 Nov 2011 19:23
I go see McCartney— every time he's played -near here.
At his most recent -USA Tour, after th performance — he and band showed up
at this downtown Hotel Bar, in Atlanta... (I heard it was going to happen—on Twitter)
-to play until the Sun came up. But a `Lot— he just sat and TALKED -to us.
He complained about the original Hofner bass— a lat. He recorded— with a Fender.
But he knew the Violin Bass was his trademakrk. He put — a LOT of pressure
of Hofner, to Improve their product— (which they did) and the New model
he plays -all the time. (the Original is in a Swiss Vault— That man— can hold his on—
with Clapton, on a Strat— by the way) I enjoyed— the personal `long Talk—
a lot. BTW— By bringing my TICKET, where I saw the Beatles play in Atlanta—
(August 1965) -They let me sit on the 3rd Row— in front, during the performace.
(I was— maybe 12 feet away -from the man `himself)
He looked —horrifed ...when I they helped me get up and leave after only a short time—
(I had to take Nitro- Pills -I was having `Heart-Attack)

Now, I've 3 STINTS -in my heart, and doing fine.

Your Hofner— is a prize.
(But I'll still keep `my Telecaster) I've a -VOX Guitar
given by Roy Clark... (Accustic -but very LOUD)
but that's ...another story

 07 Nov 2011 20:03
I know, the original Violin Bass was a real pain. I'ts completely hollow, without sustain block, heavy on feedback, and only shortscale (I prefer my Jazz Bass ) I think the reason Paul chose this bass way back was This model was the only one available as left handed in Germany, when they started their career in Hamburg, "Star Club".
Another big advantage, its very handy and light weighted. Makes some sense if you have to play all night long, and are also the singer...
BTW, my second fav guitar is my Tele

 07 Nov 2011 20:46
That's one good exposure.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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