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The White Paladin

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: The White Paladin
Image Details: ID: 6985 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 440 x 880 (155KB)
Posted: 06 Sep 2012 23:30
Views: 144
Pic Description: This is another WIP with the bodysuit Posette Jan sent me. Any positive feedback would be greatly appreciated! Enjoy!

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Poster Message
 07 Sep 2012 00:44
Maelstromme, you have done it again, I did a simple sword prop Posette, but this is wonderful outfit and character work, and mine was just well... err.

She really looks the part, I can see why you have not put a helmet on her, glad to see her face for those piercing eyes.

The lighting, and render is very nice touch too.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 07 Sep 2012 09:57
This is simply stunning

 07 Sep 2012 13:58

Here we go!

 07 Sep 2012 14:51
Thank you all for such nice comments! As far as the helmet goes, I have not found one that fits correctly yet due to sizing problems at the head and neck, tends to clash with the gorget, thusly making it necissary to use a skin under the armor instead. The armor here is from Mordikar's P4 female collection other than the skin, which I fashioned using a P4 skin choice from happyworldland and a nice sample of scale mail armor, which I made a suit out of that covers her whole body. I then rendered it and worked on it in photoshop to give it the proper shading that made the armor seem to glow. I an glad you all enjoyed this and thanks for viewing!

I am smiling.
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