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Old Characteres and New Series

Poster: JanReinar
Image: Old Characteres and New Series
Image Details: ID: 4735 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 753 x 753 (163KB)
Posted: 27 Mar 2008 04:02
Views: 159
Pic Description: I am working in a new SF Story. I decided to use some old characteres.

Peter from "Alien in Downbellow" is now a former member of the Adebaran Space Marine Corp and a famous scientist un specialist in acient technology.

Terry still a Alpha Centaurian Doctor.

Kima still in Azzari Army and now is a lieutenant.

The Terran female soldier and her Arcturian male counterpart are new characteres still nameless.

For military of different worlds I decided to use the same basic Cammo suit with some cultural characteristic itens like head cover and boots. For civilian staff a grey suit with a "Star Trek like" color code.

Pictures Navigation
Black Velvet
Old Characteres and New Series
Maxie Action Station Pt02
Maya Doll

Poster Message
 27 Mar 2008 18:24
I'd like to know what it is he's reading on the Palm Pilot...
his expression reminds me of the time they told me—
my Pay Records had "not caught up" with me
and how I wouldn't get paid 'until they turned up....
Anyway— the uniforms I like a lot

 27 Mar 2008 19:05
Nice scene! I look forward to the new series.

{Thanks too, for explaining the uniforms.}

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 27 Mar 2008 19:39
new adventure... for poser4 people !!!! great JanReinar!!!

 27 Mar 2008 20:26
Very interesting, can't wait for the story...

 29 Mar 2008 08:18
Awsome work as always JR!
your characters truly diverse, in a positve cast.
and always costumes are the envy of poserland

"the brite good morning voice, whose heard but never seen"
 29 Mar 2008 14:08
As always the Poses are fantastic. It is your trade mark that leaves your PC screaming to stop from over load. Really nice work.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 06 Apr 2008 12:33
A new series !! looking foward for it ! i know very well your characters and it's nice to see them in action again !!

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