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Untitled 052509

Poster: Whazizname
Image: Untitled 052509
Image Details: ID: 5397 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 706 x 1003 (269KB)
Posted: 26 May 2009 17:53
Views: 164
Pic Description: Someone asked me if I ever created bigger women, like \"Queen Latifa\"; I replied that I had..., but that it was difficult to fit clothing to them; so they are not used as often as less modified characters.

Since that time, I''ve gone on a little creative tangent to see which of my preferred figures make the best \"BBW\". (It''s still a pretty close competition...)

Here is \"Victoria 3 New Generation 2005\" {by HMann}, showing us why she is still in demand.
{Whew; \"Geni\" is designed in such a way that creating BBWs with her is quite a bit of work. There are very few morphs that are intended to increase her bulk; and the ones that there are, seem to be best suited to adding curviness to a pin up model.} So; after quite a bit of dial spinning, and a few magnets, and more than a little Photoshop; I present to you \"un-named so far Geni based BBW\".


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Untitled 052509
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Poster Message
 26 May 2009 18:40
Great job with the MTs and texture!

Here we go!

 27 May 2009 06:44
great work in the morph !!!!!

 27 May 2009 09:08
Very good! But does anyone know how to fit clothes on a woman
such as this? I have never conformed Poser clothes or
any other models clothes to this kind of morph. Great job by the

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 30 May 2009 00:37
Obese people are very hard to model for many reasons including as you mentioned lack of off-the-shelf morphs, but you've done pretty well here. The legs and hip area in particular are well-done.

If you're going to work more on this model, I would suggest that unless she is extremely short/practically a dwarf the head needs to be a quite a bit smaller; also the hands and feet seem to thin/made thicker/fatter.

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