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Hasle The Klingon Hottie!

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: Hasle The Klingon Hottie!
Image Details: ID: 7875 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 440 x 889 (33KB)
Posted: 05 May 2015 16:00
Views: 163
Pic Description: *Maelstromme taps on Hasle's door*

Hasle dear, let me in.

No! She exclaimed through the muffled sound of what could only be her pillow. It seemed the woman was hiding her face in it, sobbing.

I lofted my eyebrows. What could have happened to her that was so horrible it would make her cry? With Mocha cappuccino and sandwiches in hand, I tapped on the door yet again.

Hasle...I said with firmness... Open the door and let me in.

After a few moments, I heard the base lock untumble and a green light on the wall panel appeared. She had unlocked the door to her quarters for me. I pushed the button and entered.

The room was lowly lit and she stood to the right of me with her head down. Being Draconic myself, my eyes adjusted easily enough without having to ask her to turn on the lights. As the door slid shut behind me, I sauntered over to the table, goodies in hand and began to set them up for her and I.

Now then, why are you sitting in the dark crying my dear, please tell me. I asked softly.

Hasle made her way across the room to the lighting panel, and pressed a button. The lights lifted to reveal the problem. She had been transformed into a Klingon female and was not a bit happy about it.

This is Baya's fault! I'm going to strangle her and wear her skin for this! She ruined my Date with Andreas! I can't let him see me like this, it's horrid!

Hasle then paced around the room. She was angry, and for the first time in her life, scared. She did not like these feelings one bit. She was normally comfortable with herself but right now, she did not see this as being herself. I had to remedy this!

Now now, I will not have you attempting to turn Baya into a human skin coat or anything as severe as all that, dear. I said as I handed her a nice cup of cappuccino and a couple of sandwiches as I continued to calm her.

Whoever did this to you has made you uncomfortable with it. It is easily remedied however as you have me to help you through it. It's not fair to Andreas not to go on your date with him. We don''t let our enemies win, Hasle.

She smiled a little bit as she drank the warm chocolate and ate her sandwich.

You are good at making us fabulous that is no doubt, but I really don''t think you can fix this....

A sly smile crept across my lips as I rose from my chair and walked behind her, gently grabbing her arm.

I accept your challenge. Come with me. Now.

But I didn't-- She stammered. Mael you tricked me!

It's for your own good. Come on dear. You'll thank me later. I stated as we headed for my shop.

This was the result. I think she is ready for her date with Andreas, what do you think?

Pictures Navigation
The Tunnel XIX
The Tunnel XX
Hasle The Klingon Hottie!
The Tunnel XXI
The Tunnel XXII

Poster Message
 05 May 2015 16:55
Now that's an impressive workup Maelstromme, like the render.

I can't think she should worry about how she feels on the inside, knowing she's a (Klingon) warrior on the outside, surely she should like the warrior part of being Klingon.

Another excellent write up too.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 05 May 2015 19:04
That is what Maelstromme is attempting to help her see in herself. The outside doesn't matter it's whats inside that counts. Hasle has been turned into what in her mind is alien and not like she is. Mael is attempting to make her see she shares more commonalities with her change more than she realizes. It's not what's outside that makes you pretty, it's what is on the inside that counts the most.

I'm glad you like my attempts here Amish, thank you for viewing!

I am smiling.
 05 May 2015 23:59
Yes! She is ready! Amazing job with the outfit! I !

Here we go!

 06 May 2015 02:54
I'm glad you liked it Johnny!

I am smiling.
 07 May 2015 22:03
I hope she don't take this scimitar with her for dinner (I also hope nobody told Hasle I made all this possible by making this morph ) She looks beautiful like this, and we'd make a good match (A friend of mine always says I look kind of Klingon myself. When I'm wearing my long hair open and put off my glasses that is. ... must be my "high forehead" )

 08 May 2015 23:57
I'm glad you approve Andreas!

I am smiling.
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