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Viewing Pic 4162 of 4557
Misty River

Poster: pappino
Image: Misty River
Image Details: ID: 896 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 700 x 500 (115KB)
Posted: 18 Apr 2004 23:32
Views: 112
Pic Description: This one isn't Poser related, but it may end up there as a background. Sometimes a little change is in order, at least for me it is. With Poser I sometimes have a hard time remembering what I have... let alone where I got it from.

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The prayer
Misty River
The Aliens Strike Back V

Poster Message
 19 Apr 2004 00:12
Very beautiful.I love the blues.Its where I would like to be sometimes.Thank you for taking me there. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 19 Apr 2004 07:18
=D> =D> =D>
... mhh, terragen. I often use it myself to calm my eyes down a little. great view

 19 Apr 2004 08:35
Thanks for stopping by folks and for your kind comments.

Yes, ahjah... this one indeed was done with terragen. It's amazing what you can come up with, just by making minor changes for various settings. I've created some interesting world and terrain files by downloading some planet data files. 3Dem is a good little program for opening various planet dem file formats, then saving in a terragen format for import into terragen. Sometimes 3Dem can be a bit flakey and it won't open certain formats. It's either that or it's me that is flakey and I'm not doing something right...

 20 Apr 2004 06:29
Terrangen has better fractal skies than! =D> =D> =D> =D>

 27 Apr 2004 16:02
its very peaceful and beautiful, good work!

i will enjoy the time i have
 04 Mar 2005 04:29
That does it! I will must try teragen again.


 15 Mar 2009 17:16
This is the view—
when I explore -on my jet ski....

I have a "fold-up" fishing rod....
and the ice-box in the nose
brings 10 gallons of drink -and some
sandwiches I share with the cows
who swim out to meet me...

(Cows -like balogna-cheese sandwiches)

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