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It''s that dream again...

Poster: Nik
Image: It''s that dream again...
Image Details: ID: 8456 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1520 x 571 (74KB)
Posted: 02 Dec 2021 02:54
Views: 36
Pic Description: It''s that dream again...
Back in college, out of hours, out of uniform, barefoot, alone...
Any moment now, some Chthonic monster is going to erupt from locker, office or air-con duct...
And me without halberd or flame-thrower !!

Seriously, this is ($$) ''Faculty for Poser and DS'' by coflek-gnorg, found on Rendo. Not free, so I''ll not link. There''s three versions: ''Neat'', ''Trashed'' and ''Trashed with Crawling Death''...

This is the ''Poser-Friendly'' model, there''s a ''DS-Friendly'' bundled. All I''ve done is dim Poser''s own lights, turn off ''ground'', and super-dial the Hallway''s ''ceiling light'' material to, eventually, 3. No ambient mask required. I began with 10, but found the luminaire panels had enough area to ''wash out'' the scene...

Adjusted camera angle and lighting via a couple of quickie test-renders, sent job to networked ''Box'' as Superfly, 64 pixel-samples.

Slightly annoying is the way those doors are *not* ''free-standing'' but part of their frame and wall. I spent an hour trying to un-pick one with TurboCAD, discovered they''re also only the visible face, like a theatre''s painted ''flat''. Disappointed...

When I''ve dressed the young lady to suit, I''ll send in the monsters...

Pictures Navigation
That Ozymandias moment...
Which way to the theatre group audition ??
It''s that dream again...
Tsaesci FBX1
The White Witch scene...

Poster Message
 02 Dec 2021 10:02
Nice one Nik, I hope the janitor's around somewhere, to lend a hand against the creepy crawlers !

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