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Tempting, so tempting...

Poster: Nik
Image: Tempting, so tempting...
Image Details: ID: 8471 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1089 x 572 (88KB)
Posted: 19 Jan 2022 02:52
Views: 34
Pic Description: I found this nice MMD PMX freebie on BowlRoll, posted by ''Keeper of Time''.

There''s only one (1) file with glyphs in name, a SPH reflection map, so zip archive could probably be unpacked without recourse to eg Bandizip.

I was not happy with ($$) 3DOC''s take on this PMX, so loaded mesh into free PMX Editor, used the mirror tool and exported as OBJ+MTL. This is because PMX is ''opposite handed'' to OBJ. Downside, you must also flip handed textures, vertically. No big deal, as only four affected, and I was converting the PNG textures to JPG anyway using free Irfan View.

Note export leaves the OBJ''s MTL calls pointing to the PMX file''s textures folder. I edited path and file-type calls in Notepad.

After some iteration, I imported OBJ to Poser at ~3.25 % of original scale. Boat hull is claimed to be ''26 foot'', so estimate by the ''5 foot'' ground grid and/or use measure tool.

I tried several options for ''plausible'' water, settled on giving ''Ground'' the bump map for a type of glass from Poser''s own palette / library, with the displacement turned up a bit to sorta make waves.

Next, as neither frozen nor magic, the scene needed a pier. I used a Poser primitive ''box'', scaled it up. Bollards are T-pipes from Poser library.

The mooring rope is an old Rendo freebie by ''Bionic Rooster''.

Two gotchas: Rope is a ''character'', not a ''prop''. And, IMHO, you must pose it starting with its lowest numbered segment. So, lay rope alongside bollard on pier, then sorta nudge segments'' XYZ rotations by turn, shifting view-points to keep track of progress. After a full ''wonky spiral'' turn around bollard, I angled the remaining rope upwards towards a ''hard point'' on boat, took a turn on that. Is rod-holder not cleat, but will do.

After several quickie trial renders, this is superfly, progressive, 64 pixel samples, 1024 vols & buckets using both twin graphics cards.

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Kofas restaurant
Pastel Muse
Tempting, so tempting...
Red Rose Queen
Mummy,  I think I have the fever....

Poster Message
 19 Jan 2022 03:18
Nice boat!

I am smiling.
 19 Jan 2022 11:44
Here's the reverse angle.


I left this rendering overnight, same parameters as #1. IMHO, not as nice.

I'll post a diagnostic close-up of the rope after I've done some shopping and urgent gardening...

 19 Jan 2022 12:00
Oh, I like this render, this is nice one Nik !

 19 Jan 2022 13:50
Had a few minutes before I went out...
Here's a close-up of rope with boat and ground / water hidden.

End by dock bollard is start, you can see the 'segments' like a puzzle-snake toy.

Could do much smoother by using the 20 ft rope version, scaling length to this version's 10 ft. Snag is there's a lot more segments. Okay, I was learning as I went, but mooring rope took over an hour to pose, and I kept having to back-track by several segments to correct ugly kinks...

But, fun !!!


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