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Armoured glass, not a Houdini tank...

Poster: Nik
Image: Armoured glass, not a Houdini tank...
Image Details: ID: 8543 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 765 x 641 (53KB)
Posted: 19 Aug 2022 12:55
Views: 55
Pic Description: This is the free ''Containment Cell for DS'' by Rubbermatt.
{ Try not to gawp at his ''Yikes'' latex...}

I ported it to OBJ using ($$) DSF Tools, but you could export it for free from DS. My free tutorial...

($$) DSF Tools'' exported OBJs keep material names, but lack complementary MTL with texture calls. Not a problem here, the materials were clearly named as metals, floor, lights, glass etc.

I imported to Poser at 150% of standard figure height. Due to the floor being raised, I had to up-scale by ~15% to accommodate figure. Note you could scale up to a bigger room or down to snug ''phone booth'' / display cabinet as required.

I set ''hues'' rather than texture calls, tweaking glazing hue, transparency, highlight/specular etc to suggest armoured glass. The ceiling light is simply super-ambient, rather than faff around with Cycles'' emission etc.

Ground plane''s tiles are *not* Poser''s own, which I consider intractably complex herds of Cycles stuff. Found this free by DrBoots at...
Note, applied to Poser Ground, default gives vast floor slabs like a megalithic court-yard. Set U_Scale and V_Scale to ~0.1 for this ''cubit'' sized.

After several trial Superfly renders using this PC''s twin GPU cards, I found a ''sweet spot'' for glazing that left the ''back walls'' just clear enough to show the floor tiling beyond. Switched render settings to Superfly, progressive, 96 pixel-samples, 64 ''vols & buckets'', sent job to my networked, CPU-only ''Box''. That already had LaF & ground tile textures from a prior job, so ran in ~90 minutes.

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Armoured glass, not a Houdini tank...
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Poster Message
 20 Aug 2022 23:45
Love all these props, they make the 3d worlds a lot more interesting!

I am smiling.
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