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Slave Lodgings

Poster: duttond
Image: Slave Lodgings
Image Details: ID: 3921 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 600 (354KB)
Posted: 25 Oct 2006 11:00
Views: 115
Pic Description: While the Solomani guard watches, Penelope explains to Donald and Anne, "This is where you will be staying, with others of your caste, while you are debriefed and re-trained. Imperial law does not allow the transportation of slaves through interstellar space but those laws do not apply to pseudo-biological robots such as myself or to those without documented identities such as yourselves or your progeny. Imperial law also does not interfere with the governing of planets. You are encouraged to procreate as often as possible and with as many partners as possible to increase the corporate live stock.

Pictures Navigation
Jane and John Freeborn
Alien Abduction
Slave Lodgings
Pilot in Training
Anne's Training

Poster Message
 25 Oct 2006 13:18
Poor Donald & Anne.

Well, at least they get somewhat attractive uniforms to wear.

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
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