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Lemons and lemonade...

Poster: Nik
Image: Lemons and lemonade...
Image Details: ID: 8394 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 765 x 641 (22KB)
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 17:29
Views: 105
Pic Description: My PoserPro_11.3''s FBX I/O made a mess of a budget rigged android I''d found on CGT. Top half okay, mildly posable with care, but bottom half squidged thus.

''Lemons and Lemonade'': When I stopped grumbling, I had an idea...

Despite multiple iterations, I didn''t get the nice vase textures as vivid as hoped, and I failed to make the genie-bot sufficiently transparent...

Rendered in superfly with progressive, 32 pixels, 64 vols, 1024 buckets, both GPU cards and a leisurely mug of tea...


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Halloween test 01
Rosita the Hotel maid
Lemons and lemonade...
No Time for Pretty Faces
Yes Master

Poster Message
 27 Oct 2020 18:34
Faults aside still a good bit of work.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 27 Oct 2020 20:28
A Genie emerge from the amphora !

Nice subject and nice begin for a story !!!

 28 Oct 2020 17:28

Unpacked another budget ($) CGT FBX figure yesterday. Didn't have much hope for it: v7.4, Blender rig and export etc etc. I'd planned to rip to OBJ, add to my 'DIY rig' list.

To my total surprise, FBX not only imported intact as one (1) tree/rig, it was freely posable. My review was 'Yay !', my comment enquired what manner of magical pixie-dust had author sprinkled upon Blender to make its FBX export 'play nice' with Poser...


 28 Oct 2020 18:25
Nice idea that, I need to learn to make lemonade from my lemons situation

I agree, it's an interesting start for a story line, an android genie. Is it a gel-like effect on the Android's surface (I'm looking at it via a cellphone).

The second render is interesting... how was it made so Poser-compliant ?

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