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Gothic Lolita, ported from XNA format via FBX

Poster: Nik
Image: Gothic Lolita, ported from XNA format via FBX
Image Details: ID: 8409 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 765 x 641 (36KB)
Posted: 27 Jan 2021 18:31
Views: 76
Pic Description: I noticed Nuigurumi666 so-cute PMX Gothic Loli for MMD, and its link to the XNA conversion by Sticklove from Fantasy Frontier etc.

The PMX file, exported via OBJ+MTL, would need complete re-rigging for Poser. That''s currently far beyond my skills.

The XNA version came as .MESH and .MESH.ASCII models plus a bunch of nice TGA & DDS textures. Open3Mod Viewer complained both models were invalid Ogre files (??). Noesis happily opened the .ASCII, exported as FBX. Hopefully, with an intact, PP_11.3 compatible rig...

Poser is notorious for teeny-tiny scaled models, seems Noesis does things even smaller. After some iteration, I imported Loli at 65000% (65k%) rather than default 100%. Upside, Loli rig did not snarl to a fur-ball, nor explode to a zillion parts. Just four, well-docked sub-rigs: ''skin'', ''body'', ''hair'' and ''face''. And, as you can see, the model may be mildly posed within wary limits. I did have to force ''Show Back-facing Polygons'' on the hair to show the curls.

Rendered in Superfly with 64 pixel samples, progressive refinement, 64 vol-bounces, 1024 buckets and both GTX 750 cards.

I''ve deferred upgrade to P_12 because that still has some bugs, and the planned FBX I/O improvements seem lacking.
Instead, I''m mid-way through collecting the parts for an external render box. To my astonishment, I''d found I could get a dozen-thread Ryzen7 system for less than a *modest* upgrade on *either* of my twin GTX 750 GPU cards...

Well, D''uh...

Pictures Navigation
Henlo, Z'everybody here ?
A motel perspective
Gothic Lolita, ported from XNA format via FBX
Silenci Armor

Poster Message
 27 Jan 2021 18:41
It looks cute, but she could probably kick butt with those boots ! Nicely done ! 65000% , woah, that's a lot of scaling!

 27 Jan 2021 21:32
Yeah, FBX import scaling may range from ~0.01 % to ~150k%. Plus some I've totally failed to get onto the screen. Unlike OBJ, FBX import has no option to set absolute size or scale to character...

I had less success with a second Loli by this artist.

Perhaps me, or the rig, or having two rigs, or simply Poser being silly, but I was unable to pose limbs without severe distortion. Head turned okay...


 29 Jan 2021 16:25
I wonder why the difference...

 29 Jan 2021 19:31
Will investigate when feeling braver. Like the old days of un-tamed 'cross-talk', I may need to parent each rig-set to a place-holder...

Have spent much of day extracting meshes from a nice, 'clearance priced' "Old Backyard Scene" by kalhh. >----link removed-----<
Yes, is meant for DS but I rip DSF meshes to 'bare' OBJ using ($$) DSF Toolkit. Sometimes the OBJ materials have 'meaningful' names or can be easily matched to texture files, often not.

I've discovered that a complementary DUF file may be 'un-compacted' using eg 7Zip, then opened as indented 'plain-text' with eg Wordpad. This 'sorta, kinda' resembles MTL in that it tells DSF which texture each material calls. Like Poser's 'Advanced Materials' or MC5/MC6, there's a lot more, but the basic texture map calls are near the start...

Helps to find all four or five materials call the same UV mapped texture, despite names suggesting otherwise....

 30 Jan 2021 06:08
Nik, I removed your RR link, you know the rules...
Interesting project, by the way

 30 Jan 2021 11:08

 30 Jan 2021 21:17
Thank you kindly Nik

 30 Jan 2021 23:18
Mister Nik !

One word, and only one :

Fantastic !!!!
And what the characters too !!!

Great works
Friendly, and have a nice day 🙂!

 02 Feb 2021 02:49
@Nik, granted

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