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Working with Models

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Working with Models
Image Details: ID: 5348 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 920 x 676 (207KB)
Posted: 13 Apr 2009 06:53
Views: 126
Pic Description: Posette was going on and on all day about how her contract states she''s supposed to get a close-up shot such and such percentage of the time, and that if I didn''t oblige she was going to call her lawyer. Of course I want her to be happy (and her lawyer scares me) so here''s what we came up with.

As I am striving to improve my skill levels, constructive criticism about any aspect of this image is welcomed.

Rendered in Poser 4 with minor post-work in Paint Shop Pro 6 (fixed stray pixels, enhanced contrast, and added a very slight red tint because Posette was looking too pale under the blue lights I used).

This image really started out as something completely different and more complex, and except for generally being a close-up of Posette''s face doesn''t resemble at all what I originally set out to make. However as I was fooling around it seemed that this was working out better than the original idea so I rendered it (in the Poser studio, Posette is actually on her back staring up at the ceiling here, and the green background is the floor). I had great and unexpected difficulty getting Posette''s eyelashes to look acceptable for this shot (I spent as much time fooling around with her eyelashes as I did working on every other phase of the scene put together). In this final version I''m not really happy with her eyebrow areas either, but attempting to fix it post-render made it look even worse.

Posette skin texture by me; Posette wears the Kyoko Hair Mk 3 with default texture by Kozaburo.

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The Nights In Nashville
Working with Models
Tribute to Unruhe
Over the Shadows

Poster Message
 13 Apr 2009 23:09
I the face and the hair!

Here we go!

 20 Apr 2009 01:12
Love the hair!

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 07 Nov 2012 16:55
That's a pretty good render for P4, even with post work.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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