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Jane and Joe Serf VI

Poster: duttond
Image: Jane and Joe Serf VI
Image Details: ID: 3869 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 480 x 640 (324KB)
Posted: 21 Sep 2006 10:47
Views: 188
Pic Description: This is the last of the unarmored sets in the Fasions of Harn series. Next will be lightly armored sets.

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Jane and Joe Serf IV
Jane and Joe Serf V
Jane and Joe Serf VI
Jane and John Freeborn
Alien Abduction

Poster Message
 23 Sep 2006 22:12
What's going on in this pic, it looks like something is about to happen , nice work

 25 Sep 2006 11:17
He says, "I know I have little to offer you but my love. Forsake your native heritage and remain here as my wife."

She answers, "I must seek out my parents to get their permission. Even though I have been cast out from the tribe, surely they will allow me that."

signed Dennis the amateur story-teller.

Theoros Dennis
 06 Nov 2011 11:24
Goos detail with the scene, and characters.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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