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Elsie Returns

Poster: Chromium
Image: Elsie Returns
Image Details: ID: 6879 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1024 x 768 (21KB)
Posted: 22 Jun 2012 14:13
Views: 128
Pic Description: I know it''s been some time since the last Elsie, render, and the closet fanclub get quite restless - so here she is.

Pictures Navigation
Children of Two Worlds - In Trouble
Children of Two Worlds - Hiding II
Elsie Returns
Children of Two Worlds - Greetings from Terra
Leannan the Shepardess

Poster Message
 22 Jun 2012 14:15
Not bad just a slight loss in compression, and upload.

A Poser 6 render with VSS, IBL, AO.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 22 Jun 2012 15:00

Here we go!

 22 Jun 2012 22:25
I'm saving my renders from Poser uncompressed (as .bmp or so) and do the .jpg compression with IrfanView (free for private use) It has an option to deactivate color sub-sampling. Compression slider to 92%.
There are almost no visible fragments, even on monochrome edges. I use the same setting for my photos, too.
Besides that, very nice. I like the soft light

 23 Jun 2012 03:31
Very pretty Chromium you are getting better and better with your compositions!

I am smiling.
 23 Jun 2012 13:34
Thanks Ahjah, I have it somewhere (IrfanView). I do save BMP, then convert to JPG, but it happens during conversion, and upload.

Maelstromme, I'm more photographer, catching what I find in nature, and I'm not too good with staged work. I post some work on Flickr, and a lot of folks there, stage for the camera. I'm still learning to get what is in my mind on to the screen here, there is going to be a long time before I get comfortable. I made a transition from DS to Poser, and from Gen3, to P4 figures, they just work different. The best part of doing Poser is I have these great models posing for me, that I could not get in real life. This is also a lot about the light for me, and I'm experimenting with the free VSS (highly recommended). This show off pose is not really me but it works for Elsie. I much prefer your character poses that give your girls an air of good breeding (pardon the term).

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 23 Jun 2012 13:43
upload shouldn't change the pictures. We had a build in compression on the board once, but it has been deactivated long ago. The results were horrible
I don't see any problems with my own pictures, and I often use monochrome backgrounds, too...

 23 Jun 2012 14:00
Thanks Ahjah, I do see a difference between what I upload vs the uploaded image, but as you point out I should use something better to convert. There is a bonus though as the originals I have are good, and anyone taking my images from the site gets the degraded ones.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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