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ROOM219 - Cell Block Hallway

Poster: Nik
Image: ROOM219 - Cell Block Hallway
Image Details: ID: 8428 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1520 x 1844 (342KB)
Posted: 05 Jul 2021 17:44
Views: 48
Pic Description: Another of Richard Mandel''s free RE2 OBJ+MTL sets from SCG. More info and credits on link.

This is a fairly simple set, just a lit zig-zag of corridor with doors to ''interesting'' in-game stuff. OBJ is ~1.4 MB, unusually low-poly compared to most RE2 scenes. Which allows easier experimentation, nimbler editing and swifter renders. So, fun...

( I was glad the scene was simple, as I''d had to dash out to local ''budget mall'', our tabby cat-clan having taken a LOUD dislike to the tinned food I''d in stock... )

The MTL is correctly pathed but a peek at OBJ with free Wordpad found it sought MTL deep, deep on D: drive. After taking a safety copy, I edited the path using Wordpad.

OBJ imported well to Poser at usual ~33% of original scale, auto-loaded the ~30 textures. I adjusted the model XYZ until it looked good. There''s no glazing to mask. The four luminaires have their own texture, so do not need super-ambient masking. Just find material #25, which calls rpd_interior_re2_source_texture_7.png. Set ambient colour to white and dial it to ~400 in ''advanced properties''...

This will not show until rendered, and setting up camera angles may be a bit claustrophobic. I juggled ''lit wireframe'', camera ''hither'', focal lengths etc plus, briefly, a Poser ''studio'' light for navigation which I shut off before rendering.

As I''d remembered to clear Poser''s render queue before each run, it did not try to render twice. The ''long'' view down corridor was Superfly, progressive, 64 pixel samples, the ''wide-angle'' 96. And, yes, I did move the Poser figure a bit between takes.

Not great art, but fun...

Pictures Navigation
By the pricking of my thumbs...
ROOM219 - Cell Block Hallway
Room 115 STARS office
Room 10 D hallway

Poster Message
 05 Jul 2021 18:19
Wow, this looks nice, nicely lit too, which would obviously be darker lit 'in-game'. RE2 was a classic !

Why was it looking for textures on deep on a D:\ drive?

 05 Jul 2021 19:00
As-is, OBJ began with...
mtllib D:\XNALara XPS\data\2017 Multi-Model Packs\RE2 Source Demo Separated Rooms Pack\ROOM219 - Cell Block Hallway\rpd_basement_hallway_to_cell_bay.mtl

I edited to...
mtllib rpd_basement_hallway_to_cell_bay.mtl

 06 Jul 2021 18:17
My goodness, Nik... it makes me think back of days when file names were restricted to 8.3 characters, when things were shorter, e.g. filenam1.mtl.

 06 Jul 2021 19:33
And FORTH because their uni's file-system could not cope with FOURTH ??

 11 Jul 2021 22:47
Nice work.

Would look great once paired up with a matching floor.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 11 Jul 2021 23:55
Agreed. I thought it was a bit odd, but was too involved with wrangling ambiance masks and un-wilding much of our garden...

Um, I may have left Poser's ground plane set to show in render...

( Once upon a time, you could prune with a chain-saw, up-root with a jack, rake everything into a big heap, let it wither then ignite, dance around bonfire waving a beer-can or three. Now, limited by capacity of fortnightly 'green' wheelie-bin for < 3cm diameter and the intercalated fortnightly 'refuse' wheelie-bin for larger stuff. Have passed break-even point before which I swear stuff was growing faster than I could prune & bin. I'll still have to discreetly burn out some dozen-cm stumps using cordless+auger then BBQ fire-lighters... )

 12 Jul 2021 20:06
Hahaha, "stuff was growing faster than I could prune & bin", I can relate to that! But, since there's a water shortage in our area, things have been growing slower.

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